A new space-inspired collection! 🌌
This is the “Otherworlds” collection! (:

-Atheia’s Fist (purple)
-Spectral Ocean (seagreen)
-The Aftermath (blue)

I’m considering raffling this entire collection- would anyone be interested in me setting that up?? 🌌🎨💜

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A by @ cinders art on Tumblr.

Phineas and the captain in the elevator ride back down to the ship post-endgame.

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In Irish mythology, a magical horse that can traverse both land and water, belonging to the sea god Manannán mac Lir and provided to the god Lugh to use in his battles. Through Enbarr, one may reach otherworlds connected to the gods and the dead beyond the sea.

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Why yes we do crave attention, go on. Tell us.

Art by us, Deon and Otherworlds.

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Hey guys! Foxy is back at it again, picking up where she left off with the team from last session.

Feel free to pop in!!
If you're interested in Otherworlds, there's a link to the discord in my carrd 💖

Stream: https://t.co/Yro0wOQvKP
Discord: https://t.co/4Tna5aNpKW

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Art Dump Art Dump
Get these sooner on my main insta and spam 👀 theyofotherworlds or theyofotherwhat 👀👀 mainly because I forget about twitter 👀👀👀

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