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🦇| Batman Segundo Jorge Jimenez, teremos um novo artista nos quadrinhos do Batman. E não é ninguém mais, ninguém menos que o Coringa!

Particularmente, achei maravilhoso o traço desse novo talento. E vocês?

✏ James Tynion IV
🖌 Jorge Jimenez, cores por Tomeu Morey

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I have a design on Threadless of a it's only one day left for scoring my design. It's a big help if you guys could score it! https://t.co/lff2MV2Uca

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[ Master Coin Shop ]

The Master Coin Shop has reset for the month and Pecorine (Princess) Memory Pieces have been added to the shop!
You can purchase 5 Pieces for 2,000 Master Coins twice

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Personagem para o universo DC, ela seria uma das seguidoras do Coringa e lider de uma pequena gangue de jovens assassinos, após a emancipação de Arlequina ela vira seu braço direito, mas Arlequina abre seus olhos algum tempo depois
O nome dela é Mimika

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Was concerned I was just focusing on male illustrators so went through my collection. Corinna Luyken and Britta Teckentrup have produced exceptional texts using a range of different materials and techniques to show light, or the absence of it.

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“Love . . . does not envy”

1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV)

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Formula One season could be suspended until June due to coronavirus outbreak
Time to reflect how this sport has an impact on
The business model of transporting of cars, needs to be addressed! Join the debate.

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next prime access: TITANIA, CORINTH, and PANGOLIN PRIME 🦋🦋😍

she has her own special move set where she uses her wings to float around a la wisp!

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Seiyuu that will be appearing in the Priconne segment:
M・A・O (Pecorine)
Itou Miku (Kokkoro)
Tachibana Rika (Kyaru)
Abe Atsushi (Yuuki)
Hidaka Rina (Mimi)
Ogura Yui (Kyouka, Luna)
Suzaki Aya (Karin)

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Essa HQ dos 3 Coringas vai ser boa demais, ansiosa bicho.

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Batman: Three Jokers | Com arte de Jason Fabok e roteiro de Geoff Johns, a primeira das três edições chegará nas bancas americanas 17 de junho.

A HQ trará o enredo de Batman investigando quem são os três Coringas para saber suas identidades reais! Alguém aí está ansioso?

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A DC anunciou que a HQ "Batman: Três Coringas" será lançada em junho, com roteiro de Geoff Johns e arte de Jason Fabok.

A história mostrará o Batman tentando descobrir quem são os 3 Coringas do Universo DC.

Alguém tem alguma dúvida de que essa será a HQ mais vendida de 2020?

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Say no to Corina Virus, stay home and read a comic :) Retweeting this bad boy. Cover for issue 2, will be available as an ashcan. https://t.co/3632tUkI6V

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“Love is kind.”

1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIRV)

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The 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗦𝗧 Razorback to claim the regular season SEC scoring title.

Just another milestone for 👏👏👏

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Torhalle of Lorsch (Gateway to Lorsch Monastery), c. 800, Carolingian Period, Germany. Fantastic 2-D quoting of Roman architecture. Opus sectile in the lozenge patterns, flat gables, Corinthian pilasters, and engaged columns w/composite capitals & roof for snow

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