Again, Anime portraits I made using IA, this time all are modifications of the same random seed.

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Gジェネいつの間にか来月なのか!(*‘ω‘ *)楽しみ!

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"To convey the customers with the conception of processing perfection in each seed of jasmine Prompt Design carve a picture of each rice growing process onto a wood block of rice seed."

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Viri would drop one salmon nigiri, a live goliath beetle, and a sprouted avocado seed. Super rare drop to get the whole uneaten avocado

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I love me some Apple sisters. Some art based on the episode Going to Seed. Also, I gotta work on scenery some more.

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【The middle of a trip seed.9】
in 代官山・晴れたら空に豆まいて

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Meet one of my ocs. This is “Geek Leek”. She was born from a green onion seed. She can be found in any library tucked away in a book. Her attitude is pure sarcasm and will be ignorantly blunt to your face. Sorry pals, shes into gals.

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Comission for the

I tried to adapt his photos to a drawing. And made YT profile picture and banner.
His youtube channel - KawaiiSeed. (Paladins and Minecraft)

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豆 と申します🤯
自創作『Paranoia Seed.』を中心にイラストを描いたりしてます!最近ようやく本編の漫画を描き始めました…😌

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Hans also put together a great compilation (3 actually) of stills from The Legend of Johnny Appleseed. Hans, if you don't already know, worked at Disney for a while and was the production designer for MULAN. He has a fantastic book on animation design:

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Paranoia Seed.


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Semilla/Seed. A little surrealistic experiment. I liked working without expectation of what was going to come out and flowing with what the drawing asked for. The final result has nothing to do with the initial sketch and that always surprises me.

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D24: I thought “this won’t end well,” literally every time Shinji met a female character in NGE whether the context is romantic or not. But I think the winner for “Worst Couple, Oh God, End It Now,” goes to Kira and Flay from Gundam SEED. Like. Look at her face. FFS!

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More skitchy Sketchy practice, featuring 's OC, Emilia "Emmy" Emberseed.

Her full name was a surprise to me too.

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I'm doing some art fight! I got this one done as I had to draw this little blep asking for some bird seed.

My artfight is AlsoFlick, go fight me!

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A rock heart for breaking teeth
and apple cores, cyanide seed.

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