just cute and willing to entertain you 😜
Sharing is caring 💖
link in my bio 👕 😷
link in my bio 🎬
Instagram: mei.illustration / mei.illustration.girls link in my bio 📷

1 9

My Should I say hello? Hi! I write mostly but my current is about a young lawyer/wizard's descent into darkness. Currently, I'm part way through the first draft of the second book, but look at this very rough for book 1!

18 56

Why didn't such an adventure collection exist when I was a fledgling GM?

5 25

Probably have shared this too many times but LOOK AT THESE AWESOME CHARACTERS!! They're from my Girl by Moonlight game!!! their mundane selves and their transcendent selves!!!

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Thrilled to learn my adventure from this year's WinterFantasy is being run at GenConOnline.

MOON13-3 Wolves of the Sea is a Tier3 Investigation in the pirate city of Westhaven.

How will your group navigate the adventure?

Image: Piotr Krezelewski https://t.co/HhrwtODiQW

3 8

One of the most metal (no pun intended) quotes, issued during one of our sessions:

"Wait, you're wearing chainmail during a wedding party?"

, you absolute legend.

5 13

Between running "There are no Such Things as Skaven" and reading a lot on the sinister clan Eshin, my urge to start a 6th edition army grows. If only the minis would be easier to get... and cheaper. Assassins are dang expensive nowadays!

0 10

Work in Progress of commission of Repanse and Aranessa having an intimate moment

I have some stuff to add, like Repanse's face and Aranessa's pussy an Spikes, but I guess it's progressing well

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Aranessa Saltspite commission for the great , love drawing her, always a treat to draw Warhammer characters.
Obmeiste liking my previous Aranessa artwork and commissioning me to draw her again filled my heart with joy 🥺🥰

4 14

Aranessa Saltspite commission for the great , love drawing her, always a treat to draw Warhammer characters.
Obmeiste liking my previous Aranessa artwork and commissioning me to draw her again filled my heart with joy 🥺😊

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My latest
Say hi to Oswald Aust, a Brittonian Pure of Soul road warden against the chaotic evil beast men that plague his lands and threaten his people.

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It's created by & it appears in the new about ME, sponsored by . (Get it here: https://t.co/0kFvejTBGk)

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Thanks times approximately 1 zillion to , who sponsored our latest issue of 's There's a gorgeous image in there of Tracy using a toy... you'll love it.
Grab your copy here: https://t.co/Q24v7n3Cp7

1 11

It's finally done
Aranessa Saltspite under the light of the moon Mannslieb, my entry to

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