The unknown Digimon inthe Pendulum Z II Metal Empire must have been Black Maildramon from Adventure:!! Now we have a Black Tailmon armour evolution! And a steed for DarkKnightmon!

9 21

rewatched 02 recently and the odaiba episode still gets me 💔had to give them the happy reunion they deserve!!

115 258

Happy birthday to Tokumitsu Yuka, best known for providing the voice of Tailmon/Angewomon in the Adventure series, and Oofuchi Himari's Partner, Rikka in


44 147

Sprites made from requests during the stream!
Dracumon + Patamon + Tsukaimon + Noble Pumpmon + Tailmon + Black Tailmon + Mikemon

30 59

💕 Gatomon (Tailmon) 💕
🌟 Colored version 🌟

My favorite digimon since my childhood ☺️
Who is your favorite?

0 6

Hikari chan enjoying fresh air with tailmon💕

3 18

That is the end of Tailmon and Wizarmon's story (for now)
Will they be able to meet again and finally return to Hikari?

1 2

's newest episode (more specifically, Karina's drawing) reminded me of my own Tailmon/Gatomon rip offs, so I wanted to draw them again!

0 2

A very interesting topic. I would like to add other examples in the anime that may be curious as well. (1) WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon in episode 51 (2) the evolutions of Hawkmon and Tailmon in episode 49 (3) Combined attacks of the Burst modes in episode 48.

2 20

Ya tenemos los resultados de la encuesta sobre cuál adult preferirían como compañero!

1. Angemon
2. Greymon
3. V-dramon
4. Garurumon
5. XV-mon
6. Tailmon
7. Wizardmon
8. DORUgoramon
9. Tyranomon
10. Growlmon


9 52

DigiPoll results have been released
Q: "Which Adult Digimon would you fight alongside with?"

4. Garurumon
5. XV-mon
6. Tailmon
7. Wizarmon
8. DORUgamon
9. Tyranomon
10. Growmon

29 148

Tailmon ready to scratch your face

2 7

T.K and Kari (Takeru and Hikari) fanart made by me 2016. Love Digimon ❤❤❤

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