画質 高画質

Did these little experiments with posing and light! Can't decide if it has Tron vibes or.... did anyone watch Bible Man as a kid?

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Ahhh no tengo dibujos subibles
y... no queria morir por aquí;;; así que un nene u,nu

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引用<聖書 新改訳第3版>
聖書 新改訳©2003 新日本聖書刊行会
Be merciful unto me, O God: for man would swallow me up; he fighting daily oppresseth me.
Psalms 56:1 KJV

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King Herod.
19.5”x25.5” Acrylic monoprint and pencil.

Don’t play Bible unless you’re willing to dress up.

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Why is Trump and other leaders showing up with upside down Bibles at news conferences? Because the "coded" persecution of the church has begun. Autonomous Zones being set up, pinning left vs right & black vs white. Right out of Mad magazine! Wake up. It is still scripted.

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I know I said I wouldn't share stuff from my lil mock pitch bible project but

I was designing a roller skating restaurant's mascots and aiming for the 80's/90's restaurant mascot pastel nightmares & Rhonda the cake shark sure is something

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"Zaprawdę bowiem powiadam wam: Dopóki niebo i ziemia nie przeminą, ani jedna jota, ani jedna kreska nie zmieni się w Prawie, aż się wszystko spełni."
(Mt 5, 17-19)

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"Wysłuchaj mnie, o Panie! Wysłuchaj, aby ten lud zrozumiał, że Ty, o Panie, jesteś Bogiem i Ty nawróciłeś ich serce».
(1Krl 18, 20-39)

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06 Works, Today, June 6th is Saint Hilarion's day, his story in Paintings

Please follow link for full post


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The guy who has read the bible for 15 minutes

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I made a pitch bible for a contest, but didn't make it to the final, so I might as well show you.
What do you think? It's about a genius girl with a little robot friend hahaha 😅

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Jilust had one of the CNAsq at my facility tell me that God does not like me because I am LGBT+~I didn't choose to be this way. I'm a LGBT+ friendly Catholic. She used my Bible against me to point out passages in the mobile that she said God does not approve of LGBT+ ~I'm so hurt

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90s Howl reading you bible on a Sunday morning AU 🙏🙏
"Gas this or you're ugly" and other phrases that'll get you clout 😎

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Historical Geography of the Bible Lands https://t.co/FSmDCfHWiu

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