The first of the character series! Big thanks to Sapphire Sheedy for the description :)

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drew myself as a night elf but thought why not put it in the :p If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

35 289

A Kul Tiran huntress doesn't take shit from no one except the beasties she hunts. If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

33 202

a couple of pandaren for ya. If these concepts resemble a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

29 179

Day 74 is finally a blood troll If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! it wasn't intentional.

50 210

i wanted more orc so i made orc. day 73 If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

44 258

a momma and her baby If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! it wasn't intentional.

43 243

day 70: an old horde soldier i was thinking about maybe keeping. need me an elf killer If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

37 246

more void. day 69 is a ren'dorei If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

14 155

i dont even think about how behind i am anymore. day 68, void! i like the customization option If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

11 101

days 66 & 67 are dark rangers for the dark lady. If these concepts resemble any characters of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

15 159

day 65: some troll women for you all If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

18 104

day 64: nerdy blood elf If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

22 147

Character number 007: from and
Always loved this character and it's the first time I make a full inks and colored version. Hope you like it!

27 64

i did say that harpies are my fav right If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

13 139

day 61: moonglade native who got a lil feral curse. If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

41 226

oh look, finally a post! day 60 is an ashenvale native that doesnt like the fire elementals If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

21 167

darkshore native, pre-burning. kaldorei have had a hard time settling there bc of wildlife, and its got some dead old god influence lurking around. If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasnt intentional

22 145

day 58: azshara (zone) native, before goblin takeover. horde interaction and naga have made the elves more violent and savage than usual If this concept resembles a character of yours, I apologize! It wasn't intentional.

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