Entre esta noche y mañana, mis padres y yo nos vamos a comer y Les he tenido que hacer un pequeño resumen resumido de las demás películas, pero les explicaré todo lo demás si hace falta

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For Asgard!!
Hope everyone is having a Good Easter, here is some new sketch cards from the latest Avengers Endgame set from

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actor Don Cheadle has revealed that he had signed a six film deal to portray James Rhodes in the MCU, which means that his contract has now expired after 😔

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This is my own version of Captain America that I completed in addition to telework today.

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Since is trending let me present some of the best moments from the movie

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I will never forget seeing this for the first time. Listen to the reaction in the theater! I can’t wait till I can see movies on the big screen again. This legit gave me goosebumps watching this.

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I am willing to fight for this comparison! Who’s with me!!#JurassicPark

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Tony, we will be ok, you can finally rest Q_Q

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