Xenos is an enigmatic character in Gacha Life Train Dimension A and can be found by traveling to the train station and going inside of the train. Gacha Life game cursor Xenos and Spiky Cactus.

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“I’m still cute. . .but you’re hurting me”

So. UwU cat. My take on what happens in some cases before they get cooked. They get beaten. Yeah

Btw sorry for spamming y’all with art

1 17

💚😃 Holis 😃💚
Lamento la demora, pero quería darle estas fotos ( 💚Dibujitos💚) de Maria a primero, ya que es su Oc y me hizo un increíble regalo de Shady en Gachalife OwO 💚
Espero que todos disfruten de las imágenes 🤗💚

5 12

so…hey. Here’s your gift :)
Sorry it was so late- :(

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I'm working on Lumica novel 3.
So I created Annabelle x Kati on gacha life.
Here they are.
They are adorable 🙂
It's Katibell 🥰

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Mr. Principal is an NPC found on the first floor in School of Life Mode. He can be found by traveling to School and going right twice. Game cursor with Gacha Life Mr. Principal and yellow Ruler.

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Edit trade with someone on Instagram~

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- Yea I'm lost my style shade hair..- Too lazy to shade so it just a simple(maybe no lol-)
*Time: 30 min
*Layer: I'm forgot-
*Oc: My Gacha Life oc but in Gacha Club-
*By: Zuro_Shack(meh)

1 27

Дело было вечером, делать было нечего.
Та обработка и арт не мои, нашла в треш группе по чаче

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