A sunny, happy, friendly for a slightly grey, grumpy start to a Tuesday. From "The Peg People" for 3-5 year olds. Available to buy at: https://t.co/HSSvgLOQWp 🌻 it's almost 1 year old 💛

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Making new friends as an adult is hard because the people I'd get along best with are the ones that also don't want to leave their house ("ISLAND 1989", pencil on paper, 20"x25")

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You have worked hard to build a written regular content, implemented an email marketing, daily social That’s everything that is needed right?
Wrong, so many businesses fall look at website visitors only. https://t.co/umYBU7jgvY

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Acrylic,ink and watercolor on paper
DM if interested

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Thanks for the love in you’re all awesome, have a beautiful day 😀👍💐💐💐

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Oooh! I love this! Thank you, Julius & Macy! Rosie & Charlie will be reading your BEAUTIFUL book today! And they just love It Will be Okay too! Hooray for and about and

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