Super Saiyan God! The favourite Godlike transformation of Goku in my opinion!🤗💪

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Las pruebas trabajan a nuestro favor, no en nuestra contra. (Santiago 1:2-5)

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Los futuros se edifican respetando los acuerdos. (Amós 3:3)

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Te alabaré, SEÑOR, con todo mi corazón; contaré todas tus maravillas. (Salmos 9:1)

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In was the of the & He was the brother of & father to & Grandfather to the & His sun-#chariot was drawn by four, across the sky.

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“Dichosos los que trabajan por la paz, porque serán llamados hijos de Dios.”(Mateo 5:9)

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Made two versions of "God on top of a mountain" for a video my husband never made.

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You can't defeat a real demon with a spell or a ray of sunshine...

Halo Academy manga and anime in the works!

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A young charlie with Nephelae, goddess of maternity, home, family, good actions and marriage. She took care of charlie when she was very young and gave her a home alongside Matthew.

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Si amas a tu prójimo, nunca lo lastimarás.
Si amas tu país, nunca harás nada contra él.
Si amas la naturaleza, nunca la dañarás.
Cuando amas nunca causarás daño, porque amar ya es cumplir toda ley. (Romanos 13:10)

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La humildad es más poderosa que la vanidad. (Filipenses 2:3-8)

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- of the Sea that come in Bright with an Uplifting Feel, Machine wash in Hot Water after each use and Tumble Dry

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“El más importante entre ustedes será siervo de los demás.” (Mateo 23:11)

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10. In the appears as a that is killed by and given as to the in the wilderness.

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Espera. Detente un momento.
Respira. Date un minuto de calma.
Quédate quieto. Es una buena oportunidad para acercarte a Dios. (Salmos 46: 10)

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