Need to say I LOVE Hela character and I love the movie Thor: Rarnarok.
I drew her once and did cosplay test by the way. I with to finishe her fool cosolay one day.

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Another pic for six monsters fanatrs is Hela (Thor Ragnarok).
Need to say I LOVE this character =).

2 22

I really liked the design of thor in , but I think Loki and Freyja seemed something funny

1 11

做菜环节(影响主厨做菜,可能会得到特殊待遇^ ^)

66 895

This is what peak physical form looks like. looks really intimidating.

0 3

It’s day:

London 1890s. Out of the Thames’ fetid depths the undead rise to feast upon the living.

Can violent youth gangs put aside their rivalries long enough to get the job done?

0 2

before bed doodle + gradient maps

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