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seeing as I just unprived and lost a bit of my following, hello!! I'm Percy I draw mcyt and vox machina :D
Man, the amount of times I've gotten follow botted today 😂 Some people really have nothing better to do, huh? All they're doing is following, their spam/hate messages can't even go through xD
Huge thanks to @CommanderRoot for making such a quick & easy way to get rid of them 💜
Well I gotta do SOMETHING for #MacroMarch sooo.. You know the rules! Gimme the like'n'tweet, make sure to be following, etc.
Drop me some neat characters or ideas and I'll roll for them on.. Let's say the 20th, before my trip. I might also handpick one or two additional entries!
@KoviePup Despite my following, I still don’t get a lot of people who notice my work so here’s a few of my faves
@TheRealNumber6 Great! Here's an account for Jacques-Louis David @ArtistJLDavid. Thanks for following, @andreitr
@ClareBertrand Great! Here's an account for Honore Daumier @artistdaumier. Thanks for following, @andreitr
@cate_meredith Great! Here's an account for Cleveland Museum of Art: Modern European Painting and Sculpture @cma_modeuropean. Thanks for following, @andreitr
@Ascap25 Great! Here's an account for Ilya Repin @artistilyarepin. Thanks for following, @andreitr
@boltster Great! Here's an account for Tetyana Yablonska @ArtistYablonska. Thanks for following, @ItsCodyBraun
@Masked_Liberal Great! Here's an account for Jean-Francois Millet @artistmillet. Thanks for following, @ItsCodyBraun
@DEsteValentina Great! Here's an account for Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky @artistbelsky. Thanks for following, @ItsCodyBraun
@HarfieldAndrew Great! Here's an account for Bridget Riley @artistbriley. Thanks for following, @andreitr
@LouisValton Great! Here's an account for Theodore Rousseau @artistrousseau. Thanks for following, @andreitr
@Jenquest3 Great! Here's an account for Fyodor Vasilyev @artistvasilyev. Thanks for following, @ItsCodyBraun