In this we are starting to experiment with converyor belts to add in new levels. (Graphics not yet included) What do you think?

7 21

for the last weak attack. Still working out how to incorporate wind powers to the attack. The next post will be all weak attacks combined! 😁

4 6

"Dude, you sure about this? They're this many!"
"... hold my mead."

Check the project:

11 29

What??!! Melody of the Light (Demo) is now available on!
This isn't the final version, that's why we accidentally put some bugs and glitches :D

3 10

Game dev update: polishing the 5 weak attack here is the first key press. 😁

2 5

Improved version of the Warren map 🗺️ Clover has a handy notebook where you will also find the WIP quest log!

5 14

Worked on the code and animation for a simple 4 directional movement with animation and collision! Still has a few collision bugs but overall came out as a great template for building upon!

3 7

Some "behind the scenes"- how I animated the new level finish animation for .
The final in game animation actually uses some coded inbetweens to get a smoother animation!

16 51

« Who would say that mushrooms are so bouncy in this place? This could help you get to the surface faster. »

16 44

progress. Made a hop back animation when your attack sequence is done.

3 4

Discord now open to the public:
* If you were a member of the previous server you will be accommodated with a role!! *

Also featuring cactiballs, pronounced *KAK-TA-BULLS*

3 10

Been working on this for more than a week but I guess now's a good time to unveil it.

2 7

Working in some cathedral interiors zones!

What do you think about the Gothic Windows colors? is so brightness but I think that not break the characters contrast...


18 60

Update from Issue with Action Selector is fixed and now the player can select through the Actions! 😁 when I get back on it I want to add more effects the the environment like passing light and smoke that appears and clears on battle start!

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