Si, pero los que resucitamos después de la batalla en Darkshore >:)

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Deiuli is my dark troll hexxer! Shes the last member of her tribe that lived in a cave nearby darkshore that worshipped a giant cave bug loa.

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*Ο* I once had a similar idea! but instead of the dead i thought of the ashes of the world tree that were probably all over darkshore.

I once thought that originaly darkshore would be covered in a desert of ash. I meant that is one big hell of a tree.

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I can't remember if I posted this on Twitter or not. :'D
Anyways, I did this piece last April!

Azu did not take the burning of Teldrassil very well. She would often go there to reminisce and mourn the loss of her girlfriend. Now she mourns it all in Darkshore.

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Came up with this design after going through Suramar and Darkshore locations. I'm selling an ancient night warrior lady for $150 to cover future bill. Please dm me to claim! 🌑

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Mermaid Ellanwaë since it’s mermay!

Meerrrrrrmaid of the Darkshore~~~~

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I've got Aelyria, who during BFA went completely feral and stayed in Darkshore forest but now with help is chilling out, apart from Teldrassil burning (causing her to go super feral) she hasnt had much of a storyline in BFA.

I am also currently designing a balance druid!

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This is Tabby, my worgen druid! She lost her leg in Darkshore but has embraced the power it gives her. Tends to be a bundle of nerves and a bit self destructive, but she's got a heart of gold.

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“...but there is vengeance.” 🌘

A second part to another picture I made way back - Melys upon receiving the blessing of the Night Warrior at Darkshore.

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Even the most iconic Kaldorei Weapon in the history of Warcraft is locked to Demon Hunters while Darkshore warfront is filled with mail/plate/leather NE using the glaive models

For 15 years, NE NPC's have used glaives. Let players finally use them - they're already in game!

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Bat loves Iserith with his whole heart, because there are no brain cells whatsoever do that with. He’s rescued Iserith twice now- from the clouds of plague at Lordaeron and again from Tyrande at Darkshore... so actually, is he really all that stupid? He has 1 job, & does it well.

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Mharloh's a good lad, tho a little cautious after almost dying in darkshore <:)

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20. An important member of Bee's family is her plainstrider, Tibtib. She rode him during the Darkshore warfront to bring moonberry juice to the troops! Stay hydrated!!!

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questing through darkshore. chunky lizard is a camera hog

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Leader of the Darkshore, Ellanwaë.

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Galeas “the Bear of the Darkshore”.
A giant night elf and the reason Ellanwaë is a beast.

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Warrior of Darkshore

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Armoured saber wip!
I never fully realised how beautiful the colours in BFA Darkshore are until now 🌑🌳

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Haven't draw anything for days now ( aside the acrylic) that says lot about bfa with it's patch is good!

Anyway here's Ernera and her only Darkshore saber she found ( hope to get the rest as well love these mounts!)

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ANGRY KISSY cheebs, Darkshore warfront style. She WILL fite.#nightelf

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