I had no more time to make entries for and then this happened for canon support.

“Pack lightly,” Ike says, as though the only thing Soren would have ever needed did not stand right in front of him.

4 21

yeah we gay keep scrolling

26 70

posting this at a reasonable time of day for a change. ikesoren 4: my rendition of the canon final scene of RD wherein they get married and ride off into the sunset and soren knows how to ride horses and ike super doesn’t

61 135

I lost track of the days but this is my last piece for anyway so here goes, prompt - canon scenes

I think about the tower convo a normal amount

73 137

I can’t even find the prompts for anymore so I just drew the scenes I have been meaning to draw for ages sorry

32 73

Mods are asleep, post my shitty old timeskip Ikesoren under the fam pic

16 54

FEH peaked when these two debuted you cannot convince me otherwise

133 349

today was supposed to be ikesoren outfit swap prompt day. but I forgot about it, so instead you get soren in kronya’s outfit stay safe out there

14 53

I'm going to post all the Ikesoren art I've done in 2022 starting from newest to oldest!

Voting for soren is gay rights!
Brave Soren for Ike!

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16 38

Trust me this Fire Emblem Pokemon crossover makes sense if you think about it

65 237

January 7th Daily Soren

Day 3 Crossover!
Bruabba Ikesoren! They just fit and look so good as them!


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12 41

ikesoren week 2, first meeting/childhood. lil creature in the woods

55 130

Puts my "Priam is the IkeSoren kid" agenda into this one

70 213

ok ikesoren week 1: it’s a holiday, the holiday is that it’s winter and they’re having a nice moment

41 82

Bunny bfs for the Lunar New Year🌙

79 176