“In theory, an outpost could operate with just a main computer and its specialist drone avatars without biological oversight.”

Theory and practice are often different.


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“... lots of action, memorable creations, and well written ideas.”

The first review of Blood, Sweat and Blaster Bolts is live! Go see what Trevor says about ’s latest!


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My interview with about the dangers of living in the Buffyverse, the upside of having vivid nightmares, and the dystopian themes of Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham no one ever seems to talk about: https://https://t.co/QDUWhFATPN

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How do we define a monster?
EC interviews Laura Diaz de Arce
on her collection of & that explore our human need to seek out monsters

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New Listing: publishes strange, surreal, supernatural & & weekly (small, promising bits); and quarterly (longer pieces limited by a single, all-encompassing prompt); free to submit! https://t.co/y6EHwmbdQx

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We’re $334 short of our goal with five days remaining! Please help fund our signature on ! 5% of future sales will go to our $100 LEO, for creators!

Pledge today: https://t.co/Ba8dqWyQiS

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