Revolver example for the 🔫 Shooter module complete! Now time to get hands on the for the Bow and other stuff!

Stay tuned for more!

5 16

Nifty feature in material validation! The red zone displays regions of the texture that are outside of valid PBR brightness values, extremely helpful for making realistic materials in my texturing workflow :)

2 3

Using here 2019.2 Polybrush for easily sculpting 3d meshes, paint textures and scattering. Now available in package manager.

22 143

Do you know how to change the order in which scripts of a given type are called relative to scripts of other types?
Changing the order in which scripts are called is useful because sometimes the scripts depend on each other and must be called in the right order.

64 199

I've been playing more with the parallax effect (described here: ) and here's a fun fact: having a negative offset can give off the impression of volumetric effects as long as you don't see the edge of the object!

54 312

If you're developing mobile apps, you probably had issues with camera notch of some devices. In Unity 2019 you can go to ProjecSettings > Player > Resolution and Presentation, then uncheck "Render outside safe area" to render your canvas only inside the safe area.

42 185

Did you download Librarium's free RPG asset ultrapack? 900+ RPG monster assets ready to expand your projects with! Download it free today!

8 27

Creating a circular menu in couldn't be easier. Throw some UI elements in a container, then paste the included code (4 lines) - done.

56 286

You can have multiple Attributes in the same square bracket. Just separate them with a comma.

66 226

The relationship between AddForce () and physics.

140 611

Want to create or edit script templates?

1. Create folder 'Assets/ScriptTemplates'
2. Inside, create txt file '81-C# Script-NewScript.cs.txt'
Name: '[menu index]-[menu name]-[default name].txt'
3. Edit file. Use '#SCRIPTNAME#' as placeholder
4. Restart Unity

7 21

Here you go, a collection of writeups/tutorials/shaders/#UnityTips on how we made Recompile's visuals from the past year of development :-

301 1159

Best way to change between all the different screen modes in runtime (took me way to long to discover it):

81 440

I might add that this is also very useful if you are doing some shady reflection stuff...

0 3

Using to make this dimensional portal 🌀🌟

Made in collaboration with . Also big thanks to for some of the math (

802 3306

Did you know that you can easily achieve easing in Unity using AnimationCurve and lerp?
That's our tips today.

12 27

Textureless loading spinner ✨

Texture compression artifacts are especially jarring in these animated spinners, so defining shapes purely mathematically instead gives you practically infinite resolution as well as lots of control

93 623

Hey there, heres a tutorial for another toon shading function: half tone shading. I uses interresting patterns between lit and unlit areas.

If you want to support me, you can do that on patreon💖

30 157