//=time() ?>
gazing into the night
generous stars alight
overflowed bright
no afterthought for twilight
Image: Pinterest
Life is filled w/ misplaced misgivings. We trust the wrong people w/ words spoken honestly as Mrs. Lovett's meat pie recipe & overlook snow's lovely glimmer to lavish the warmth at metal lockers. #FP #FridayPhrases #FridayKiss #TransWords #whistpr #painfulprompts #366FF #vss365
It was a season of decay. Lands were arid & traversing the spirit forest to uncover proper harvesting dirt was costly with the winter eclipse nearing, for it revealed whispered lies & pandering beasts. #ProjectFairyTale #horrorprompt 401 #MartialMonday #whistpr #366FF #vssmagic
Time seems among near & distant thieves in those moments—an elephant of loneliness' delirium—but time itself can be an enjoyed miracle within the fog, like peace in knowing Rudolph's nose is lighting the way. #7DayTale 5 #FridayKiss #TransWords #whistpr #painfulprompts #vssmagic
A princely hare hopping along a narrow path had noticed a queue of quail eggs—all cracked down the middle. Unable to secure her nest, their sobbing mother tried to offer stray changelings a shiny keepsake in exchange for protection. #ProjectFairytale #YAMonday #whistpr #vssmagic
It's hard to not be grateful for a twilight that is forgiving on tired eyes, w/ its graceful colours rippling soft on lakes & clouds stuffed w/ dreams. "That's a plume moth," Halmeoni says. #1lineWed #HumpDayWrite #whistpr #Sunthing #painfulprompts #366FF #BraveWrite #vssnature
The weather is sultry as warm fudge on ice cream, the wind a messenger for baby birds crying in their nests, and my soul is ready to walk along these beautiful distractions w/ you. A #kinship w/ our world. #7DayTale 7 #LilLuvStory #whistpr #painfulprompts #FlexVSS #366FF #vss365
I'll sit patiently on the swing my Nana used to play on and find solace in the fact that our futures move way beyond barriers seen. I'll notice that hopeful shock of green amid browning leaves and bared branches. #7DayTale 4 #Thurds #whistpr #painfulprompts #BraveWrite #vss365
Day's onuses don't always spill into nights. There are peaceful hours when we may fall asleep with #gossamer kisses tucked in our sleeves, a dream of narwhals in the sky waiting. #7DayTale 1 #TrickyTues #FoodParty #TransWords #whistpr #painfulprompts #FlexVSS #366FF #BraveWrite
I looked up at space & wondered where the stars went. The sky had become a blood orange river & despite how pure the air felt, I tasted a light coat of copper in my throat. Our neighbour, Gary, was crooning to a limp girl. #SundayShadows #SunWIP #Sunthing #WIPwordsearch #whistpr
As the sun set behind the cherry tree, it seemed to cast its blossoms into the sky where last night's ominous howls became a home for cotton candy w/ its pink-lined clouds. The provenance of hearts' light aura. #TrickyTues #FoodParty #whistpr #Sunthing #painfulprompts #BraveWrite
Argan oil to keep my hair from blooming in the rain, mouthwash to keep apologies from wake-up's bane, malachite whispers on eyelids framing views of you, agelast in this revolution as today's youth. #WordInSense #SatSpark #SaturdaySurvival #LegacyWriting #whistpr #painfulprompts
She has a poem
#Unwritten one
Its lines
Hang on her
Thoughts rope
Far from stalkers breath
Ticking with
Yellowing time
Her decision
Doesn't invoke
Cynicism or
She just wants to
Be left in peace
With the white space
She'd never have
Fully filled
“I can do it.”
He shrugs the peanut butter open
Smears it on soft white bread
Makes swirls
Edge to edge
Adds a two-tone apricot effect
Looks at the second slice,
Sighs and covers his masterpiece.
“Perfect.” He grins through pbj teeth. He’s 5.
Swirl #BraveWrite Sandwich #Whistpr
The sunset crowned our heads, bright watercolours blooming and warring w/ one another. We drew rhymes on our palms until night came, wishes materialized, and I realized we were more than friends. #LilLuvStory #sunscribbles #WIPwordsearch #Sunthing #whistpr #painfulprompts #366FF
But your deception fails. The space between lemonade skies' rescue & the void's jealousy becomes filled w/alexithymia again; & the being drinks it from your bluing lips. 𝘙𝘶𝘧𝘧! 𝘎𝘙𝘙𝘙. #7DayTale 6 #FP #FridayPhrases #SciFiSat #SatSpark #whistpr #FlexVSS #BraveWrite #vss365