Another color key I did for the Plot Twist Film ✨

Short animation created, wrote and directed by Rodrigo Costa
🇧🇷PTBR: Outra color key feita para o filme Plot Twist.

Curta criado, escrito e dirigido por Rodrigo Costa

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I tried something a bit different: a coloring technique with homogeneous & bold brush strokes and simple light to add more depth to my illustrations and to spice things up once in a while.

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Вот люблю девиц с рогами, ничего не могу с собой поделать. Поэтому, будет сегодня такой суккубий портрет

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:) another batch of paintings of my girl and her caribou!

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Happy Friday everyone 👏👌😊 For today a very simple but powerful tutorial explaining why it’s important to use varying shadows thickness to make your artworks better! Great study by Phaisty

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Happy Sunday everyone! What about doing lighting studies today? Defining the source of light makes a big difference in bringing emotions and stories to your audience!👌🤗 Awesome lighting study for female and male character by

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Just the second speedpainting I did and I already couldn't resist to render it for a few hours more.
But can I really blame myself. Earth is beautiful and sometimes I wish to meld with it.

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Started Speedpainting again. To train composition, color&light and less thinking while drawing.
Lastly, place obligatory figure somewhere into the landscape to give it any meaning. Good.
1 Hour.

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Siempre que consulto este libro me quedo pegado aquí

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