Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma
Tram-Track Sign

Watch out!
These images aren't real CT/MR images!
Pixel by Pixel Handmade! ✍


12 48

Orbital Septum 🥅 Lamina Cribrosa

Watch out!
These images aren't real MR images! 😇
"Pixel by Pixel Handmade" ✍

16 61

Single picture worth a thousand words when teaching facial to my new residents 🙂

Zygomatic sutures = -maxillary, -temporal, -frontal, & -sphenoid

14 64

Recurrent A. Heubner 🔁 Medial LS of A2 ACA 🧠

✅ Parallels course of A1 ACA

✅ Supply ant. perf substance & anteroinferior caudate/IC/putamen

= contralateral hemiparesis, dysarthria, behavior🔺️

30 128

Anatomy of the Globe

Watch out!
These images aren't real MR images! 😇
"Pixel by Pixel Handmade" ✍


43 148

7️⃣. Normal Coronal T2W Orbital MR (Fat Sat)

Watch out!
This image isn't real  MR image! 😇
"Pixel by Pixel Handmade" ✍

2 2

Getting wobbly on Brixton Radio tonight - tune in at 9pm for an hour of improvised modular music!

Watch at:

2 9

Orbital imaging with radiological illustrations - 1️⃣

🔶️Normal Axial T1W Orbital MRI

Watch out!
This image isn't real MR image! 😇
"Pixel by Pixel Handmade" ✍

14 60

Classic INO (MLF lesion) = 1 of 4 MLF related syndromes (along with via the VOR). The others...

1. ➡️ MLF+CN 4 - INO/Lat. hyperdeviation

2. ➡️ MLF+CN 6 - INO/Lat. palsy

3. ➡️ B/L MLF - Wall-eyed (#MRI below)

58 191

Hx: High-speed MVA trauma

⬆️STIR signal superior to C2 dens related to a normal venous plexus (🔑: please do not mistake for edema related to & / apical ligament injury)

23 88

Checkout Dr Ajay Taranaths talk on congenital pathologies of globe.#SPIN2021
Trademark lucid,crystal clear style with equal emphasis on embryology,anatomy and pathologies. As always images are well selected and of highest quality..

11 26

Les traigo lo que estaba pasando muy por alto y es lo más emblemático de transformada en un sticker en su momento en la alberca. 😍 Gracias por conectar mis dos únicas neuroras de hoy 😂🧡

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