Day 23 Ninninger: Fuuka. I was between Kinji and Fuuka... but Fuuka is just.. too cute. 💖💖💖

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Did a little intro thingy with mah boi Shadow Man, the alien(?) bot OwO 💕 💕 💕

His stage theme is LIT 🔥 💕

10 28

i love how i alternate back and forth between horny void magic content and "badass" void magic content

anyway have some void matter weapons
theres a fuckin katana and shurikens because im actually 12 years old lol

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I almost gave my story to a small webmanga company one our guildies ran back in college. It was a post apoc fantasy western with a long outdated version of Mac. The first script he wrote gave him blue hair, a ninja outfit, a snarky sonic dialog, and shurikens.

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The ultimate technique! Inspired by Kanata's 3d superchat halos(shurikens)
究極のテクニック!! カナタの3Dデビューは私にアイデアを与えた

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Ninjanitor, the silent cleanser of evil and school hallways. He wields shurikens carved from soap. If you ever wondered why some places are always clean but you don't see anyone cleaning there, it was probably him.

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A for It's inspired by the butterfly shurikens from Into the Badlands!

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Fufu throwing shurikens:

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Yaoyorozu and Todoroki throwing shurikens I something I never knew I needed LOL SO CUTE

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Azami prefers close-range attacks but she can also throw lots of shurikens for her finisher move

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Shurimon has deadly shurikens for hands and feet and a giant one on his back.

Catch me hugging my ninja husband anyway. 💧🍃💚

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greninja cause he's a a damn frog ninja that has a tongue use for a scarf and shurikens

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Este es , tengo mis dudas sobre las flores blancas o algodón (?), pero me gusta el concepto y a las personas que lo han visto les ha gustado. Los shurikens son hojas endurecidas, no puedo permitir un ninja sigiloso con zapatos gigantes de metal xD

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Kyubimon X cambió su forma tranquila y elegante por una forma más bestial pero a pesar de su apariencia gracias a su entrenamiento en el arte ninja a hecho que se haga más fuerte tanto física como mentalmente también dispara sus yin yangs como shurikens

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