Here is a cute Ichihime that you can use for the Event~ Of course, you can use Ichihime in any form as you like😆 Bon appétit, Jyanshi Sama~

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Mid packing, I find myself longing for transport technology on this most holy of day *nods sagely*lol

Happy everyone! DS9 still stands at the top for me, which has been ur biggest soulfood? The series u can always go bak 2 on a bad week and BINNNGEE?

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Song of the rolling earth, work in progress, lifting the eyes for the greater good

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Da mich am Sonntag so viele nach meinem Pancake-Rezept gefragt haben, gibt es heute ein kleines Comic-Rezept für euch🥞. Pancakes waren schon immer mein Soulfood und gerade jetzt könnte ich sie ständig essen (wenn ich Mehl da habe :D).

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No this weekend!

Back next week for Jan pop ups!

2nd-4th Lime Face
9th-11th santé
16th-18th Tendril
30th Jan - 1st Feb Vegan

More info:

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🖖🙏Potch communities vary by technology but most remain very spiritual. Tent structures emphasize simplicity and leave the opportunity to move, to follow what the soul needs.

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Super Itis by . A tired construction worker gets stuck in a dream made up of soulfood he had for lunch.

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Hand made in East London studio dresses, books from the flea market & scented candles.


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