Creatures of Vodyanoy (Slavic)
A water spirit often equated to Nix and other cautionary creatures, the vodyanoy can become a tutelary spirit of sorts if treated right. Though when wronged, the comparisons become all too real, and even more, damaging more than just lives.

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Vinciardo’s son the Roman oil painter begins his wave studies under the tutelage of the greatest Picassito

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Noir must prove himself worthy of Olivia's tutelage, on top of the Hero Academy's annual competitions and a new girl showing up in town!

Out EARLY in digital format in the RETAILERS section here:

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Creatures of Pabilsag (Mesopotamia)
A tutelary spirit, living on and empowered by its association as the Sagittarius in astrology. Embodying many dualities, the strongest of which are war and hunting juxtaposed with healing. AKA the wild bull with multicoloured legs.

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Se puede comerciar con todo?
Con los menores NO.
Quien se hace responsable de los abusos en los centros de CyL?????

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Kamala se arrepintió de ser sicaria de la Miríada y comenzó su camino de redención bajo la tutela de los monjes del Loto Blanco. Junto a los Recios, ha peleado contra sus demonios (literalmente), y ha aprendido a dominar sus emociones gracias a Dyamak y a sus legendarias vendas.

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Quien toca a una niña deja la condición de ser humano para convertirse en un tumor social al que hay que extirpar.

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Hay que denunciar por parte de la sociedad todas las injusticias que se están haciendo.

No mires para otro lado, quizás algún día le toca a un familiar o amiga.

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Si me desentiendo, no vigilo ni cuido a mi hija menor; si la Policía me advierte de que ella podría estar siendo abusada y termina siendo así, ¿tomará la Justicia medidas contra mí por mi desidia? ¿Y si el cuidador es la Admón?
Nuestras niñas tienen derecho a una

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Los casos de abuso de niñas tuteladas en las diferentes comunidades que han salido a la luz últimamente son espantosos.

Esta sociedad no puede permitir que esto suceda y nadie se responsabilice de

Son menores de edad.

Por favor...#HacerAlgo

177 272

Hoje é delu, fan favourite de RdP!

Vesna é uma pessoa extremamente bem-humorada e sem filtros. Cresceu nas ruas do reino de Daffodil sob a tutela da guilda dos mercenários. Foi em uma missão para a guilda que elu se meteu em uma grande enrascada!

Ratos da Peste lança dia 02/11!

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Later, with seeds given by the goddess, Watakame planted what would become the first humans. A.k.a "Timuwaxi", Watakame, in the time of his death, had his body parts dispersed, and from them, new plants were created. He became a "Kakaiyari" tutelary deity associated w mountains+

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Athena v Poseidon for tutelage of Athens (Constantin Hansen, vestibule of Copenhagen Uni). If 7th Earl Elgin hadn't smashed up Pheidias' west pediment of the Parthenon the world might have more than Poseidon's torso from the ancient master's visualisation of the epic scene

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"La jueza ha decidido darle la razón a Britney Spears y la tutela ha terminado" ❤️ ¡Britney es libre!

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Después de 13 años, una jueza ordenó el fin de la tutela de Britney Spears 🤩 ¡POR FIN ES LIBRE!

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A new sketch featuring a scene from behind the throne room, when is seeking tutelage on how to seduce the enemy. This was voted on by my Patreons (submitted by Kimberly H.) for the October Sketch-a-Wish!

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– 5 November

“tempus erit, cum vos orbemque tuebitur idem,
et fient ipso sacra colente deo,
et penes Augustos patriae tutela manebit:
hanc fas imperii frena tenere domum.
inde nepos natusque dei, licet ipse recuset,...

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A feral child among Far Eastern refugees tried to pickpocket the wrong woman; a Doman martial artist as cruel as she was powerful. Between captivity and tutelage, the urchin chose the latter, acquiring the name Virara. She seeks to surpass and kill Master-but is that really all?

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🇮🇹 Ultima, ma non meno importante, RightsChain presenta: C.

Per la parte Business, la diligente e un timida C è sempre a disposizione per chi ha bisogno, per dare consulenza e supporto ad aziende e professionisti nella protezione dei dati e tutela della proprietà intellettuale.

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