Choy Tak/

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Many German NGOs & churches promote exploitative business models, some even profit from child labor & exploitation. the cruel human cost of "#Fairtrade". Illustration

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Mme , Comme disait Victor Hugo "qu'y a-t-il donc au-dessus de la justice? - l'équité." Et s'il y a de l'exploitation dans le café, le cacao ou le thé, la misère, la faim, la malnutrition et le travail des enfants, cela n'est pas juste et encore moins équitable.

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ILSA THE TIGRESS OF SIBERIA (1978) w/ Dyanne Thorne § French

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We are almost at the 100 Year for Karel Capek's R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots), the story that gave the English language the word "Robot"

The robots in R.U.R are complex artificial people, with themes of exploitation of labor and 'what makes a person a person'?

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As days pass, the mice work hard and have to deal with brutal exploitation from the cat.

Chief mouse is responsible for bringing the baby mice to the cat for the monthly payment.
[Read more in comments]

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Thanks. I don’t mean this in an aggressive or argumentative way, but those chickens still come from the industry that shreds baby male chicks in a grinder on their first day of life, and taking eggs away from chickens causes them to lay more. It’s all exploitation of their bodies

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It seems Angel wanted to be not only a porn star in hell but also a mafia guy like when he was alive (if the old canon about him and his family still applies). Unfortunately for him, he realized that cant do both and now regrets being stuck with Val’s rules and exploitation.

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