Omfg I love tigers! Tell her my girl Tris Tigress says HAYYY 💖💙💜💚🥺

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hi !! this is different from my usual content (FKBU) but i decided to draw my friend tris!! even though it’s not fkbu related i hope you still like my art.

feel free to like or comment :] i would very much appreciate it <33

4 29

Halo pelican custom model by me, this is the game ready model,a little high at 90k tris, but it'll work, enjoy

41 287

Step 10b: Did a little more optimizing (down to 700 tris) and a rough pose to see how she deforms.

(All of my humanoid models have default geometry skinned to the rig for the sake quick testing newer geometry by copying the skin weights to the new model; saves lots of time :)

7 89

Folgaran the Armor Beast Character Modeling, from 255Tris Texture size 256

14 19

Look how beautiful my teif cleric Tris is! Thanks so much for doing such an amazing drawing of her 💕

4 13

New model! This is Cinnamon, a shy girl just trying to get by on her barista job.

I figured I'd do a little bit of self-indulgent work for once, so I decided to model one of my favorite creations! Hope no one minds the new icon!

(585 Tris, Square UVs)

12 66

Soon I'll be changing my icon to another character. So now seems like the perfect time to finally showcase the model I've been using until now! This is Vabayna, a warrior with an expressionless face that hides her socially timid personality.

(566 Tris, Square UVs)

4 26

✨Aqui está ás bi sisters para !

Peço perdão pela demora flor, os pedidos do meu canteiro estão um pouco agitados, porém eu, Orpheu e o Tris estamos trabalhando nisso!

Enfim, espero que gostem 💗


55 255

Left is new, right is old. Went from 2380 to 790 tris. Improving my skills a bit.

Next stop, rigging and animation!

((sorry for the deleted reposts! oops!))

4 19

The compy from Compound Fracture, as seen briefly at the end of our last gameplay video. 174 tris, 128x128 texture, modeled in Wings 3D, textured in Photoshop. Texture likely to change as I polish it endlessly until the game comes out lol

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some Tris doodles 💖💖✨✨

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My little Halfling Tiefling for my game. Her name is Tris!

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Hi I'm Tris and I'm a trans dude living in poverty, I'm trying to save up to move from an awful situation! I draw cutsey- vibrant illustrations and take commissions from time to time as my only source of income !

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first time doing an art trade and its with ! a more low poly rendition of their robot milk, sitting at 2,014 tris total! (check them out btw i highly recommend their work)

2 14

Benelli M4 (M3 will be soon)
High/Mid Poly
Tris 202.6 K
Faces 100.4 K

Model my Me / koy the otter

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OIGAN VERDAD QUE ES UNA BUENA IDEA? (Estamos intentando hacer un mod de FNF) AL PUTO TRIS NO LE GUSTAAAA >:vvv (adjunto mona que hice que seguro no me la aceptan)

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I finally have the of the ! Time for texturing it !! ( already started a little bit ! :) )
Its polycount is about 114 000 tris !

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