Be-Yond ~Kurodaishou ni Mirareteru~ (ビ・ヨンド 黒大将に見られてる) // Silky's // PC-98 //

24 102

passive-agressive kurodai

23 77

i continue to deliver things that no one asked for such as bokurodai gsnk tomoda AU

251 486

This is just *a teenie* bit on the spicier side, so I'm posting a crop here, and the rest on my other account
just to be safe:>

Some KuroDai Chippendale AU as per kofi request!

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I drew my OC, Yunan, on MS Paint cause work was boring. Only used a mouse so now my hands are tired and cramping hhh

do not repost.

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Be-Yond ~Kurodaishou ni Mirareteru~ (ビ・ヨンド 黒大将に見られてる) // PC-98 //

6 22


One of my favourite pairings in the anime. I love Kageyama to bits b-but... *coughs* kurodai... *coughs*

129 364

i commissioned a strong bo lifting his two bfs like they weighted nothing and WOULD YOU TAKE A MOMENT AND APPRECIATE HOW ADORABLE THEY ARE ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ _(:’3」∠)_

134 347

Be-Yond ~Kurodaishou ni Mirareteru~ (ビ・ヨンド 黒大将に見られてる) // PC-98 //

17 51

Following that beauty and the beast au, they got married in the garden and are wonderfully happy and in love╭( ;ㅂ;)و

190 500

I re-watched beauty and the beast the other day, please indulge me for a moment

47 167

afternoon smooches and bragging about how cool he was when saving his little lover from a dangerous situation (you idiot. you didn’t even need to brag, Daichi has eyes)

28 122

Two punks who fell for the same good college student who was simply trying to mind his own business.

60 188

i don’t always read webtoon but when i do i pick what i thought would be a funny/slice of life story only for it to be one of the most depressed story i’ve ever i drew a bunch of cat kuroo being happy and in love to cheer myself ;w;

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2. Love | Here's Sashimi & Kurodai being together. Fun fact: Kuro confessed his feelings to Sash in the Money v. Love splatfest. ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡

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Be-Yond ~Kurodaishou ni Mirareteru~ (ビ・ヨンド 黒大将に見られてる) // PC-98

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