Skywalker 2 (wizq2dm2). Quake 2 deathmatch map. Released in 2006. It's a small fantasy themed map. Castle in the sky. Void map. Continuation of the first Skywalker map (wizq2dm1), added more geoemtry and connectivity.

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This incorporated some combat spaces following specific metrics and shape choices in order to present comfortable and interesting player choices when engaging in combat. Video:

5 40

BSP Blockout and Final

Done with Source Engine/Hammer Editor (L4D2). Architectural building is House in Menorca.

Really enjoyed creating this.

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Day 2: In some portions of the hallways I added a glass window so that the player can see what kind of trouble they're getting into. Also started on a new combat room that has a glass floor...Don't look down

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BSP Blockout for DM map in UDK.

Location idea was absinthe distillery. Unfortunately never finished but the blockout remains.

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Basic top down and elevation changes in 3ds max. did the rest! Turned out one of my favorite areas!

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This is what I started last night in Hammer for This will be my first real MP map. Would have gotten further but I was kind of distracted with a professional project issue. I should have this complete tonight.

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I thought it would be fun to share some Blockouts I did for . Such a fun and unique project to work on! [1/4]

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it's ! Our level designer Simon shares with you the creative process of the "lava to stone" mecanic in Unruly Heroes
(Full devblog also here:


6 13

Kickin off Working on an overlord type area for Bears In Space You crash your rocket into a rock and work your way up the beach. It's the first time the player comes across the Saucer enemy so I'm gonna make sure the reveal is rockin.

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Just wrapped up my 10-week course with on Level Design for Games! Huge thank you to for all of his thoughtful feedback and guidance! Also, thank you to for providing such terrific instruction!

1 28

Just released MAST for free at
This modular level design tool runs in the editor. It creates proper prefabs from your models, allows you to flip/rotate/place them easily from a custom palette, and merge them afterwards.

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Some quick 100% procedural canyon experiment in Quake, thanks to Houdini & obj2map (and a colleague for sharing his Houdini setup).

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❄ Siberia progress ❄
Layout affordance polish! Focus has been on using lighting and art assets to tell the player where to travel throughout the map, making traversal simple.

It's (hopefully) coming together!

1 9

mp_ardennes : 1944 (Work in progress) for

finishing some details & some tests before release

Version day & version night

Great models by ‼️ ❄️🌨️


4 13

New demo gameplay for our space game, we added outline to the pick up items so they are easier to be seen.We are now working on short tutorial. Playable Demo is coming soon

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Here is some work I've been doing with 's Level Design Course for Games with the awesome instructor ! Having a lot of fun learning and designing these spaces!😁

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Blocked out a big boss arena on a stream this week. Working on the encounter now. Missing: one muzzleflash.

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