Working on this "destroyed" version of one of my robots for when you defeat them. It was pretty fun to wreck some stuff for once! I'll have to do some more tweaks and work on the texture to see how it'll fit

3 6


Literal shit from is coming through your feed! What are you going to do about it? Like or retweet to spray it with vanish!

6 14

The crunch you hear is not from a delicious cookie, but by the rocks falling apart. We present you Mega Ground Gingerbread.

5 19

Got some new shields for the Update 1.6.5.
This will be my only post till Tuesday got a Road Trip.

I hope you all enjoy and have a good few days.

5 4

Is it a plane? Is it a dessert? Or is it a Gundam?

No! It's your sweetest nightmare Mega Flying Flan.

10 23