//=time() ?>
#CoolArt: #BladeRunner prints by #JohnAlvin through @BottleneckNYC https://t.co/Q7Xa1zoqDQ @JustinIshmael
Check out the rest of these amazing #CalvinAndHobbes + #starwars #mashups on our Instagram! Make sure to follow while you are there for even more Calvin & Hobbes content! (For links to Instagram & Facebook click the website in our bio)
@ calvin_n_hobbes_
Tutto chiacchiere e distintivo.
-sottotitolo: il nulla-
Oggi su @ilmanifesto
#LeleCorvi #BeppeBeppetti #salvinicitofona #salvini #lega #vergogna
Lil Stevie Comic S2 E022 Captain Galaxy!!! Sleep tight all! #LilStevieComics #LilStevieComic #faith #family #fun #comic #comicstrip #comicstrips #webcomic #webcomics #cartoon #funny #joke #humor #inspirational #love #christian #peanuts #Calvinandhobbs #captaingalaxy
Blade Runner by John Alvin のポスター先行販売メールが朝4時来てました!
夜は Foil Variant狙いたい👍
Lo schifo non ha fine!
#Salvinivergognati #citofonaresalvini #CitofonoSalvini
L'unico citofono vero è questo.
Il resto è solo una copia tarocca e venuta pure male stando a digiuno... #salvinicitofona
Lil Stevie Comic S2 E021 Yay! The power is back. Now I can read my Lil Stevie Comic!
Sleep tight all! #LilStevieComics #LilStevieComic #faith #family #fun #comic #comicstrip #comicstrips #cartoon #funny #joke #humor #inspirational #love #christian #peanuts #Calvinandhobbs
Dances @ all the new Kogarashi refs I did recently!
Look at all these wonderful beans
Here's Calvin [detective], Claire [seamstress], Yoru [astrologist] and Hisoka [crime journalist]
Visto che a #ottoemezzo @OttoemezzoTW @GianricoCarof nomina Silvio Pellico, anticipo che domani su @repubblica S. Pellico e parole sue sue, si rivolge a salvini.
La Lega digiuna per solidarietà a Salvini, ma lui?https://t.co/GKM8DujSr3
#Nicocomix #Salvininondigiuna #Gregoretti #Lega #Salvini #Salvini #Fantozzi #digiunopersalvini #21Gennaio #Polpette #Tumangia #Fumetti #Vignette #satira #satirapolitica #drawing #painting #artist
idk who kalvin garrah thinks he is to criticize people just bc he feels like it when he looks like this
@MomiraMonika @ritamay1 @lucekerien @ValerioLivia @deOzAlice @NadiaZanelli1 @FlaminiMarina @neblaruz @RosamariaNoia @KglLaura @scastaldi9 @eurios @PasqualeTotaro @vighicarlo @mariadicuonzo1 @isidemoni @antojackie @Biagio960 @overlooki @overjas @yianniseinstein @Asamsakti @henrirouen @isacnycArts @prize_jesse @BaroneZaza70 @Vandabio @emanuelaneri14 @VicoLudovico @LuciaTassan @BELLALMAMIA @pure_p4 @aleph54 @AlessandraCicc6 @BrindusaB1 @sergey_silkin @KristinAndrene @VladimerAntonov @Altai_Armande @TimoBeil_ @GaiaGaudenzi @huskorkut @smarucci46 @Joopjadieja @paoloigna1 @PatriziaRametta @mariaireneali @Rui_Cavaleiro_ — Alvin, ¿Has venido en eso hasta aquí para verme?
— Así es, Lyle
[punto final, y el cielo se llena de estrellas]
David Lynch #any20/20
(¿Qué es la familia?)
Una historia verdadera, obra maestra,música de Badalamenti:
Escena final:
Amazing mash-up artwork of #Pokémon (Lucario & Riolu) and Calvin and Hobbes! This is going on my wall 👍🏻 - Thanks so much @LucarioOcarina!
@ClubPicturebook @PaulWat5 @f33lthesun @smithsmm @one_to_read @sam_creighton @RuddickRichard @LTeacher123 @Misterbodd Stargazing is stunningly good. The three Mr Wolf's Class books are also wonderful, just love how you get Mr Wolf's perspective on situations as well as his students. But Calvin and Hobbes is probably the all-time fave.
Just a reminder that the new Nickelodeon cartoon It's Pony premieres today. I want to see this show succeed, so if you're curious enough, I highly recommend checking it out. It's the best Nick cartoon we've gotten since The Loud House and really reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes.
@shinkomiii Thanks so much for the thread! Hi! I'm Calvin and I'm a freelance illustrator, I love bright colors and never really being consistent with my content lol