Genial escuchar de nuevo los podcast,
Una duda, e visto que habian ideas para skavens para 40k y no se de donde salen? Sera algo que acabo olvidado como los squad o los medio-eldar? dejo imagen para ver si alguien lo sabe, muchas gracias por el programa.

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Little warmup that got out of hand (inspired by and her love of one (1) feral boy) so here’s a wee Queek Headtaker

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So there's a hostile kingdom we're going to wipe off the face of the planet! Come join us as the skaven march to war! Streaming Rimworld at

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Skaven tech vs Lizardmen tech

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스케이븐의 발렌타인 클랜 독초코 박격포 화기반이
달콤한 초코볼을 발사합니다!

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🐀🐀Si así me imagino el día cotidiano de las
🐁🐀🐀🐀Skaven 🐁🐀🐀🐀
🐀🐀Artist By :lie setiawan🐀🐀

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Second Skaven of the year. Been trying out some new brushes, happy with them but my colour balance on my tablet is a bit off a I think. Anyway a Grey Seer for February

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La idea de Skaven female , me parece una gran idea ,
Pero sensualizar siempre todo o de manera exagerada
jode una gran idea

Female skaven design batch
Victoria Yurkovets
Concept artist

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Finished up the clanrats finally.
My January army is "finished".
Obv. more going in it, but I'm at the stage where I can now say "why yes, i DO have a skaven army for "

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Friend of mine got into Total War Warhammer recently and I've been happy to show him the ropes and yap about lore! He asked me to draw some chipper Skaven lady and liked her enough that it quickly devolved into me making stickers for us to shitpost at each other while we do co-op

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Icon commission of a skaven OC! I have a soft spot for rodents but haven’t drawn a rat friend in quite a while, so this was a lovely change of pace.

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Oh yes, yes! The skaven are making nuclear power! Much power, yes yes! Radiation is no concern, just think of POWER POWER! Streaming more RimWorld at

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Idk, the eds seem way more skaven than Rolf

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A simple skaven clan rat. Tried a few different things with this. Seeing as it is the year of the rat, I hope to get more skaven done through out the year.

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Maybe painting one of 's fancy Skaven logo will help me out of my rut...

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something different ♥️

adding to the store today!

thanks for the chill stream! and thanks for the warhammer help!

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Plus a less silly Moss and a Skaven-rat for

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Happy new year all🎆!! I am nearly done with my just polishing it off now. Here's a sneaky render 🐀

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