So for anyone interested in how far I got when doing the Anjanath piece! Here's a little progress, from thumbnail to partial painting! I'm gonna try to finish it! 💪🏽

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eyyy almost forgot about this lil anjanath I doodled the other day
he's just grumpy because they don't make kleenex his size

I've been loving monster hunter world >w<

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We fought the Anjanath for 28mins and died, seeing that "Quest Failed" animation pop up had me like...

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Me llamo Andrea, soy de y soy ilustradora! Me encanta todo lo que tiene que ver con la etc.

En mi blog tenéis muchos más trabajos míos :


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momster hunter - Anjanath .... why why did I even try this .... please take mercy on me. I had to sketch this out

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Monster Hunter: Babysitter Edition.
I've been poking around in Monster Hunter World recently and have been loving it! Seems it has full-use of its fire breath, though not full control...

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Ranjana the Red, Half Orc Murderess

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Un vez más, quería daros las GRACIAS por el apoyo y seguimiento que me habéis dado durante todo este año 2017 ☺️💪🌺🌺🌺.

Las os esperamos el año que viene 😁, un abrazo!!

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Quieres conocer más sobre las Anjanas de Cantabria? Pues no te pierdas nuestro post!!

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Been playing the monster hunter world beta with some friends, and wow! I never been so hyped for a game in years as I am with monster hunter. Can't wait for 26th january.

A quick Anjanath painting, one of the new monsters.

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"BOSQUE MÁGICO" 🍁✨✨🍁. Nuestra tierra esta llena de hermosos donde habitan nuestras Venid a verlos, no tienen desperdicio 😉,

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Las nos vestimos de rosa por todas esas mujeres que siguen luchando

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