And another! Bethany is.. yeah, I want her to put a chokehold on me. I love this crazy lady. Havn't drawn her in ages and she changed so much. All for the better, of course <3

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With buff women trending, I figured now's a good time to repost some art of my buff OC Natalie. Women with muscles rock!😁👍🏼💜 (apologies if she seems a bit off at times, still doing my best anatomy-wise) ^^'

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Happy Birthday to Nami from One Piece! The Sexiest Navigator Ever. 😍

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I don't even play TLOU2, but I love Abby's design! More buff women in media, please! Here is a selection of ripped gals I've drawn in the past.

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In the assassination business, nobody's innocent.
Naja is the perfect killer because she feels nothing. Her body registers no pain, nor does her heart in NAJA
by & .

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1 4

This is a character concept that i came up with 5 years ago. I never finished her because i started coloring her skin and i hated how it look. Now that im getting confident with art again, she's back, finished and im very pleased.

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Creo que aquí se me fue la mano cuando la dibuje jaja esta es la primera vez que hago algo como esto en digital :0

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Hawes is skilled at drawing a trait that enriches many of his books. --Richard Schwindt , author of The Death in Sioux Lookout Trilogy


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Captain Marvel flash design I’d love to tattoo 💖

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A retro beauty 🧡✨.
I’ve been crushing on 70s fashion lately so I wanted to use that as my intro for this drawing. ✨

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Aqui esta a Khali, minha Oc de Assassins Creed a qual eu ignoro totalmente o fato de ter cabelo rosa em pleno as cruzadas.

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Hawes is skilled at drawing a trait that enriches many of his books. --Richard Schwindt , author of The Death in Sioux Lookout Trilogy


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In the assassination business, nobody's innocent.
Naja is the perfect killer because she feels nothing. Her body registers no pain, nor does her heart in NAJA
by & .

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1 3

Hawes is skilled at drawing a trait that enriches many of his books. --Richard Schwindt , author of The Death in Sioux Lookout Trilogy

Lady Dru in The Golden Fleece Affair by

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Aedemphia - Poster 2
Vous propose d'incarner Irzyka, une jeune femme voyageant entre les mondes, à travers une histoire dont vous déterminerez entièrement l'issue par vos choix.

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