OK, messy and very confusing sketch, but I guess it passes the feeling lol

Hybrid AU where deer!Katsuki found bunny!Izuku and now is completely allured by those doe eyes 😌✨

And that's the sketch for day 1 (fantasy) of kinda late but at least it's here lol

210 1332

Spoiler? So much time has passed and so much has happened since this spoiler in manga soo idk. I'm doubting everything right now... Anyways here's Day 2: Vacation!

8 33

Day 2 of feat. the Wonder Family!

This was my Incredibles AU piece done for the zine, but I thought this would fit nicely for the future prompt.

A family that saves together wins together!!

43 237

Day 2 of Twin Stars Week
Vacation ✅| Pro Heroes/Future ✅| Drinking/ Drunk

21 156

[Day 2 - Future] Living together

Is this count for future theme? I hope so because I don't have much time to draw something detailed (◍´ᯅ `◍)💙💙

Kacchan is such a sleepy head

411 2120

Day 1: Fantasy AU BarbarianPrince!Bakugou and RoyalPrince!Izuku getting married was the first thing I thought of when I saw the prompt. I love the idea of them combining and supporting their cultures together!

39 247

day 2 - future
a future together doesn't sound half bad

274 1512

Day 3- Future/Pro Hero. This one took a sad turn... Sorry?
Based on the theory that Bakugou will lose his quirk in the future chapters..

9 28

The 2nd day of is here!!❤️

Bakugo had a rough day today at work and he's tired on their way back home 💤💕
They are just too cute for me!! 🥺

Day 2: Pro Heroes/Future✨

8 57

d2: vacation | proheroes/future | drinking/drunk

deku pls kacchan just wants to go home and cuddle

23 145

Twin Stars Week 2020: Day 2 - Drinking/Drunk 🍶✨

Class 1-A weren't supervised on the island so they had a little fun~ Drunk Kacchan finding solace in pinching Drunk Deku's cheekies 🤧❤️

56 397

Day 2 - Drinking (+ a/b/o if you squint)

"Haha, Kacchan~ Is it Clouded Concsiousness again?" (actually no, he's just drunk 😜)

144 849

DAY 2: Future Pro Heroes/Drunk 🍻🌙✨

Future BKDK hanging out after a long day of pro hero work is my favorite thing ☺️

369 2735

Day 1: Fantasy AU!

~I can feel your heartbeat~

119 728

Day 2: Pro Heroes/Future+Drinking/Drunk

Hey you know that scene from Yuri!!! On Ice where Victor was drunk and clinging onto Yuri? Yeah ☺️

6 39

Day 2: Future/Drunk
With one of my headcanon that when Bakugo's drunk he's a different person. I wanted to draw something like a selfie or something like that. I didn't have time to do a bonus with other characters taking the pic

3 40

Nothing can stop me from doing twinstars week even tho I'm late (ಡ⌒ಡ)💚🧡

[Day 1 - Fairytale] Bakupan and Dekubell's first meeting lol

408 2314