In Sailor Mars' "Evil Spirits Begone" attack, quick shots of Acala (अचल), a Buddhist dharmapala, are seen. In Japan, he is called Fudō Myō-ō & is revered in Shingon, Tendai, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism & Shugendō traditions. He is 1 of 5 Wisdom Kings.

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Thank you to and for their artistic inspiration.
Thanks to Bhante Vimalaramsi for teaching metta.

Painted in

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Useful historical overview of clothing and accoutrements of Chinese bodhisattvas complete w/detailed terminology (in Chinese)#ChineseBuddhism

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2018年『パティパダー 7月号』◆連載目次 巻頭法話「死が迫っているので無駄に過ごす暇はない」~寿命の長さは瞬間です~ 智慧の扉 根本仏教講義 Q&A 翻訳 初期仏教のエッセンス 海外仏教事情 俳壇

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On this wk’s show, we learn more about the Imperial Rangers via the lens of the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, wind, void) from Japanese esoteric Buddhism

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A brief reminder that if you liked TEA MASTER AND THE DETECTIVE I have two books in the same universe
Strong women, living spaceships, tea, fish sauce, and the dark between the starts (aka "Buddhism & Confucianism in space" haha)

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Buddhism: while other Hells function more like Purgatory, where after a few aeons of suffering, one might be reborn as some sort of lowly life-form in a somewhat less horrible place, those sent to Avīci Hell are thought to be hopeless of any respite.

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In Buddhism, Avīci or Avichi is the lowest level of the Naraka or "hell" realm, into which the dead who have committed grave misdeeds, such as intentional murder of a parent or Arhat (enlightened being) or shedding the blood of a Buddha, may be reborn.

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Buddhism 101: Tara Meditation with Isa Gucciardi Ph.D + Robert AF Thurman 🌱

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Just a theory about Phos's body and HnK's story, base on seven treasures of Buddhism.

Jan 26th 2018.

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Built in 1096, Tangxia Monastery is sakya sect of Tibetan Buddhism in Konjo county of Chamdo, Tibet, China.

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This little guiding light of mine
I'm going to let it shine

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From Buddhism to the Bauhaus, author and horticulturalist Sophie Walker guides us through The Japanese Garden

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