Metallic embroidered and spangled taffeta court suit, originally created circa 1790, altered circa 1805. Via .

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HMS Pomone, a 38-gun Leda-class frigate, built for the Royal Navy in 1805, and wrecked in 1811 while attempting to pass the Needles at night on her way to Portsmouth.

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Wilhelm von Kaulbach, German, 1805-1874

Battle of Salamis
Crusaders before Jerusalem
Titus Destroying Jerusalem
The Battle of the Huns

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//Commission Decembre 2019// Levi Arcvoyan by Xeno1805

© characters belong to their respective owners

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没(1552、宣教師)、#真田丸の戦い(1614、#大坂冬の陣)、#華岡青洲 麻酔手術成功(1805・太陽暦換算)、#高野長英 没(1850・太陽暦換算、蘭方医)、#永井荷風 誕生(1879、作家)、#左衛門佐 誕生(#ガールズアンドパンツァー)

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2 décembre 1805 Un an, jour pour jour, après son sacre, remporte la bataille d’#Austerlitz (surnommée la bataille des Trois Empereurs) sur les troupes russes d’Alexandre 1er et autrichiennes de François 1er d’Autriche. Cette victoire conduit au traité de

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Born William Blake English & Largely unrecognised during his lifetime Blake now considered a seminal figure in history of poetry & visual arts of the Romantic Age Major works inc. Newton (1795-1805) Satan (1789) Blake’s Cottage (c1804-10)

1 1

17 (ou 18?) novembre 1804 : lancement à Rochefort du 74 canons l'Achille, qui prit notamment part à la bataille de Trafalgar en 1805, sous le commandement du CV Deniéport. Le vaisseau explosa durant le combat, 425 hommes sur les 700 de son équipages furent tués, dont Deniéport.

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TY 4 tag! pick any one of these, guaranteed good stuff ouo

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4 novembre 1805 : bataille du cap Ortegal. La division de 4 vaisseaux commandée par l'amiral Dumanoir, qui était restée spectatrice lors de la bataille de Trafalgar et s'était échappée pendant le combat, est capturée par l'escadre britannique de l'amiral Richard Strachan.

5 17

“And behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth.”

The Great Red Dragon watercolor paintings by English poet, William Blake. 1805-1810.

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James Ward, born OTD in 1769, was an admired painter of animals. Around 1800 the Board of Agriculture commissioned him to paint a series documenting breeds of British livestock. "Two Extraordinary Oxen" (1814, National Museum Wales); Gloucestershire Old Spot (1800-1805, YCBA)9/14

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bought two cannons from the as features for Park. One of the many stories told is that one was fired 1805 during the Battle of Trafalgar. Another is that they were melted down for the war effort. Mmm

2 10

1805 Oct 13: Japanese doctor Hanaoka Seishu performed his first breast cancer operation with "tsusensan" as an oral general anesthetic. He did dozens more

2 3

A few Hubble palettes from last few years all captured under S Norfolk skies
NGC2244, IC1805, IC 1396 and Sh 2 155

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napoleon crossing the alps (1805) • florence welch for the september vogue (2012) .

113 375

Tумaннocть IC 1805 Cepдцe

27 100

The reference I take for this drawing this time:

Top left: Starcraft 2 legacy of the void intro, 2015
Bottom left: The Rock movie, 1996
Top right: Destruction of L'Orient, 1 August 1798
Bottom right: The Death of Nelson, 21 October 1805

20 57

« La mer mugit, les vents sifflent, le tonnerre gronde, la lueur sombre et pâle des éclairs perce la nue, montre et dérobe la
scène. » Diderot.

Prenons le temps ce matin de contempler les peintures marines d'Auguste Mayer (1805 - 22 sept.1890).

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