想いを、思いのままに。/ Artisul

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Thanks A concept Artist and Illustrator. He is a big Anime and Video game fan, as well as Tabletop games like D&D and MTG.

Software: photoshop
Pen Display: Artisul D16


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Thanks Benny Productions (name of channel)
You can check from his YouTube channel to see how he used in to turn a little toy into a cartoonish character!

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Followed along to a tutorial from Learn2Draw on youtube to make art in clip studio look more painterly

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Omicronian illustrator streaming in the dankest meme.

Tool used:Artisul M0610 Pro

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Artisul様より新製品ペンタブレット[M0610 PRO]をいただきました!


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Made with an Artisul M0610 Pro that I'm going to review on youtube soon!

Thank you for sending me this tablet.

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