A young boy who wishes to show other bird species by crushing his opponents with various electric type attacks mercilessly.

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A spirit monster who allows it to scatter from its entire body, or some parts of its body in a cloud of feathers while exhaling.

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A Pokemon whose wings have atrophied to the point that it can barely fly, but its movements are so fast that they have been compared to lightning.

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A Pokemon who create mirages of oneself in order to deceive the opponent and escape; its movements belie a cold and callous personality.

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A Pokemon who appears only during thunderstorms and gains power when struck by lightning; it also lives among storm clouds.

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A spirit monster who can paralyze a target like an electric rifle and used to knock out suspects unconscious in order to safely take them into custody.

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A spirit monster who works in a postal service that delivers mail through more urgent messages from each and every city.


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A spirit monster who has a keen interest in fishing: a primary industry occupation by catching fish and other sea creatures.


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A Pokemon who rises through the sky in this way, granting abundant harvests to the earth and earning the reverence of the people.


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A Pokémon who is feared and despised by others for the destruction it causes with its ferocious gales when unleashing mini whirlwinds.


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A Pokemon who is known as the god of the fields for bringing abundant harvests and can also unleash mini whirlwinds of sand. 


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