'Oh no, it's spreading Beezy, we're doomed.'
'I'm burning up, Grim. I think I'm infected, my hips are gyrating.'
'Oh no, my foot's tapping, it's spreading, an epidemic of disco fever!'
'Worse Grim, in Hell we call it an inferno.'
'...disco I mean...'

6 19

"I built a machine."

"What kind of machine?"

"Motion Activated Neumatic Isthmus Asphyx Core."



"And what does it do?"

"It kills anything that moves."

"Rather fitting acronym then."

"Thanks. I came up with the name myself."


0 5

Shaken loose beneath the skin
on a astray
Roaming potentiality contained
into passionate vicissitudes of being

3 15

No one’s enough to steal a single of crop when Tyler is on the watch. Riding his stallion & strapped to the is his famous laser whip that can lash thru yards away. He needs no other weapons.

2 8

A mighty land
Of productivity
Burns through lifetime's sand
Such bountiful fare
So unaware
That behind the scenes
Machinations conspire
To add all souls
To Hell's burning pyre
This is Grim's harvest
My farm
Welcome to Marlboro country
AHEM, what's the harm?

5 14

With his own soul as an
Tyler was handed a bottle of tears that contains the power to rid sadness and despair. However he now faces two dilemmas: one he cannot use the potion on himself & who he should give it to.

3 17

Jane figured she’d up the team dynamic & win over Ralphi’s crew with her alluring & witty charm, given the unpopular method he has been handling them. From the looks of it, she might just be able to the leadership role

1 10

They call him the hombre
Though it's hard to say
And the ombré hombre
Has dual holstered
High noon approaches
Townsfolk make way
Bouffant blonde
Follows the wax way
Brandishing comb
Waits alone
In the old salon
There's only room for one
Hair will be done

10 26

Death of Civility ©️

Native Americans believe a ‘starving soul’ is like an Eagle with one wing—“it lacks access to & soar in a setting;” & like civility that ceases to exist anymore—you each other down to settle a score?🤔

1 6

diablerie rent
in the fabric of time
the continuum’s
tenuous balance upset
accursed horrors

2 14

Warriors Live Forever©️

They say there's never a victory in defeat, but unlike a it's difficult to The of her beauty solidly lies while some throw rocks, hide their hands, & cast evil eyes—Warriors live forever!✍️🏽#bravewrite

1 8

One night I walked on a dream
With pockets full of wishes,
And I met love who took my
Bringing me to that safe

Blue are the flowers of hope
That bloomed,
As my heart became a bird,
Flying high in the sky,
Taking me at the door of another

78 193

That accent, the way his Rs whirred at
the back of his throat like motors,
drove me wild. Everything sounds romantic in French.

But when you stumbled in & said, "fancy some chips?' I realised nothing can make a heart sing quite like one’s language. And potatoes.

15 54

Most days, he pushed away the feelings without needing a drink to numb them, but sometimes ghosts of the past or dread of an uncertain future would his thoughts. Then, temptation reared her head like a siren calling sailors to an alluring, exquisite death.


0 6

The Gods
have worlds
as nations
Up where
and planets spin
The wars
go on
for aeons
and no one
ever wins
Their souls
all the pain
as greed
still feeds
the sin
Forever has
no meaning now
It can all
begin again

Court & Becker

22 75

of salt & stone
remind me
of heart & home

washed away at sea
within this beautiful dream

full of pain in the seen &
beauty in the sheen

of the unseen &
I do believe

in the heart of trees
beating maple colored sap

inside the veins of a love
lasting centuries

29 83

the moment.
trident of the sea.
found in the

The Gulf Stream by Winslow Homer

6 16

Blue pearls
seal the empty
Undressed and thrown
into the heat
Wunderkind life
comes and goes
but never
seems complete
Stoic rhetorical
flatten lines
and take a seat

12 58

Silent love letters,
written in the silence of my mind
for my absent wunderkind.
I wonder if you still remember me,
and all of what could be?
Decades past,
our love didn’t last
and your absence still fetters,
leaving me filled
with silent love letters.

4 18

Silent love letters
Unforeseen lines of longing
Eternity bound


8 62