画質 高画質

param-eq | a:53 b:331 c:1 d:4 i:100000 rad+:0.22

2 3


3 0

get a load of these 44-inch pythons, brother. also look at the gigantic snake girl, that's a good idea too (<3 & )

7 31

When yr script is actually kind of efficient because you're beginning to learn not to hard code everything:

0 6

Perfect gifts for Monty Python fans! Check out these silkscreens online at boxbird! https://t.co/NMbASMt4AE

0 0

gingko | a:3 s:3053 d:0.5156 w:741 ns:1.6292 np:9.5334 nb:1

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drawing-machine | loop:21688 a:3.005 b:10.005 p:6.005

2 2

drawing-machine | loop:36158 a:5.005 b:2.005 p:9.005

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gingko | a:3 s:3375 d:0.5290 w:366 ns:3.0399 np:8.5844 nb:10

2 1

gingko | a:9 s:2548 d:0.4151 w:249 ns:3.2058 np:6.2746 nb:3

2 1

There's no way to describe how ecstatic I am to get to see and tonight!

1 4

unknown | sw:358 sh:295 b:31 o:11 p:4.1882 l:2.3824

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