This guy... it looks like they're about to flip THE BIRD - get it?! Harhar

0 1

Another Doods comic.
My dad is a treasure! but also a dork

1 2

Dead end jokes...#JokeOfTheDay

7 13

I wanted to have another orc encounter but they are so Ogre-used. ⚔️

4 9

Another sketch request. Prompt was "Raoul trying to paint Christine" but turned into this cheesy scenario :,}

2 32

The file name of this is 'stammivicannibal' and I thought that was hilarious at the time

8 31

Orange you guys glad about this WIP? 😂💖

3 56

What do you call a cow with a twitch?
Beef jerky!

0 0

Why was Grandma banned from Thanksgiving Dinner?

She used fowl language.

1 0

Every Father has his day. Show fatherly love on Reddit:

11 17