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@overlooki @scastaldi9 @Asamsakti @agustin_gut @paoloigna1 @marmelyr @peac4love @ataturca @AlessandraCicc6 @licprospero @CerisesMacaron @Joopjadieja @castellanosce @mhall55nine @Tasto7 @BaroneZaza70 @marekingu @MariangelaSant8 @piotr408 @anthony77631293 @VAlivernini @BrindusaB1 @LuisaM56_ @bmarczewska @Rebeka80721106 @CaterinaCategio @DavLucia @migliaccio31 @___Diamonddust_ @yianniseinstein @ANNAMAMARIABIA1 @albertopetro2 @TizianaRomano7 @archivetro @FlaminiMarina @RobertaVasselli Marc Chagall
✔La cute de l'Ange 1923/47
✔La caduta dell'Angelo
❌Kunstmuseum - Basel
La rappresentazione della tragedia Ebrea;
l'angoscia e la solitudine !
#Shoah #Holocaust
#andiesemtag 1945 wurde Auschwitz befreit. Es wurden hier mehr als 1.100.000 Juden, 70.000 Polen, 25.000 Sinti und Roma und etwa 15.000 Kriegsgefangene aus der Sowjetunion und anderen Ländern ermordet #HolocaustGedenktag https://t.co/kaKgvnd5hA
Eva Schloss MBE, an Auschwitz survivor and the step-sister to Anne Frank. https://t.co/i4kZioTmlk / She is the most remarkable women and it was an honour to meet and paint this portrait of her. #HMD2021 #Auschwitz #AnneFrank #EvaSchloss #HolocaustRemembranceDay
NOOOOOO what do you mean this isn't Auschwitz?!
I've been reading an old comic called "MAUS".
It's a story about an holocaust survivor telling his son
(aka the author of the comic), the way things want down during WW2.
I'm at the part where the father and his wife went through Auschwitz-Birkenau, and now I want to sleep...
"Whenever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - or that moment - become the center of the universe." (Elie Wiesel)
Charlotte Salomon (1917 - October 10, 1943), she and her unborn child were gassed in Auschwitz ...
#国際長編映画賞部門 第93回アカデミー賞候補AwardsWatch予測📌
1🇩🇰Another Round
2🇨🇮Night of the Kings
5🇧🇦Quo Vadis, Aida?
6🇸🇰The Auschwitz Report
9🇫🇷Two of Us
Land van Maas en Waal
David Schulman (Hilversum, 1881 - Laren, 1966) He was a Dutch-Jewish self-taught painter. He was the son of Lion Szulman murdered in 1943 in Auschwitz.
Thanks to the actions of friends, he managed to escape from Westerbork.
This 1949 painting ‘After the Ball' is a tribute by Austrian artist Marie-Louise von Motesiczky to her brother Karl who died in Auschwitz. It shows him and girlfriend Aagot, after a fancy dress ball in Vienna. GLAHA:57988 #FridayFaces #PeopleBehindthePortraits
"Raport W" został uznany we Francji za najlepszy komiks historyczny 2019 roku. Gaetan Nocq - francuski rysownik zafascynowany postacią Witolda Pileckiego i jego misją w Auschwitz stworzył przejmujące dzieło. Jeśli jeszcze nie znacie - przeczytajcie koniecznie
The Great Disaster (1939)
Studio in Brussels (Studio in the Rue Archimède), 1940
Felix Nussbaum painting "Storm", 1941
(1904-1944 Auschwitz)
August 14th is the feast of Saint Maximilian Kolbe: Polish mystic, Franciscan priest, Scotist theologian, founder of the Militia Immaculatae, founding Guardian of Niepokalanów, and martyr of Auschwitz—murdered on this day in 1941, after volunteering to die in place of a stranger.
@one_to_read Ooh, love a good villain! Needs shades of grey, though - a compelling reason for their diabolical actions.
First example that comes to mind is Magneto - trying to stop mutantkind from persecution after experiencing the horrors of Auschwitz firsthand.
No one wants to buy $MTA because no one is fucking selling
Books are thinner than an Auschwitz victim
Can we get some more distro? @mstable_
15 lipca 1875 | W Stettin (Szczecin) urodził się niemiecki Żyd Rudolf Levy, malarz, ekspresjonista. Wyemigrował do Francji, następnie do Włoch.
W 1944 r. deportowany do #Auschwitz. Najprawdopodobniej zmarł podczas transportu.
Portrait de Samuel Milo Adoner (1925-2020),
survivant du camp d’Auschwitz-Birkenau,
ℹCommemorating the🇵🇱#PolishRighteous, we should not forget about the bravery of #WitoldPilecki. Man who voluntarily entered #KLAuschwitz, organised resistance there, gathered intel, escaped from the camp and informed the world about the #Holocaust. More➡https://t.co/IBl6ZUCJNv