15 Aug 1552: John Bale ex-Carmelite & polemical reformer meets Edward VI at & is promised the diocese of in (Bm/eebo)

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5 Aug 1552: John Bale ex-Carmelite & polemical reformer meets Edward VI at & is promised the diocese of in (Bm/eebo)

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sky hay bale✨

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Adam West, Val Kilmer, Michael Keaton, George Clooney, Christian Bale y recientemente, Robert Pattinson, han dado vida a Bruce Wayne en la gran pantalla.

➡️ Sin embargo, el único que ha logrado este récord, se trata de Ben Affleck: ¿De qué se trata?

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kinda looks like christian bale

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So I just saw the Christian Bale Thor movie, might be in that niche minority that just thought it was okay

Obviously, Gor was the highlight of the movie for me, especially in that Shadowrealm scene, Christian Bale does not miss

But man, the humor did not click for me this time

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Christian Bale stole the show in .

The film was all over the place. Bale made it worth watching.

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I loved So much fun, laughed throughout the whole movie, sad moments too. Russell Crowe as Zeus was hysterical. Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson all great! Loved hearing n the Dio surprise 🌈🖤🤘🏼#Thor   ❤️‍🔥⚡️🔨

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'Di bale, well-mannered naman...

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I watched this.

The only good thing was Christian Bale and the end/after credits.

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Christian Bale turned down every comic book role he was offered after The Dark Knight Rises because he found the genre uninteresting. Yet Taika’s pitch for Love and Thunder/Gorr persuaded him and they still chose to cut a ton of his scariest scenes.

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Just saw Thor! It was soooo much fun, and it was awesome seeing the work did!! So proud of my dear friend and all her hard work. 😍😍😍

Also Christian Bale as Gorr killed it. A lot of Marvel’s villains are hit or miss for me, but Gorr was so my brand

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Vilão poderoso, motivação com um argumento entendível e nem preciso dizer como a performance de Bale embeleza perfeitamente o vilão em qualquer aspecto (seja ele cômico, emocional ou amedrontador).
Mas a curta duração do filme afeta não só a trama com o vilão mas de todos+

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Un Waititi desatado inunda de autoparodia y confeti la última entrega del dios del trueno. En su mejor versión, es puro espectáculo desinhibido; en la peor, una mezcla disfuncional de tonos. Bale en su mundo, Portman estelar y Hemsworth perdido.

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Does anyone else think that Christian Bale's Thor Love and Thunder character (Gorr the God butcher) look like Ruvik from the evil within game.

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What do you think, did the MCU waste Christian Bale in

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56. Thor: Love & Thunder


Distinctly a Taika film, good laughs & tender moments.

Some choppy SFX but not as bad as Twitter says. It's biggest hurdle is Taika has to spend half the movie getting Thor back to who he was at the end of Ragnarok

Bale = solid villain

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Just out from seeing Thor. Gotta say, that was one fun movie.

Christian Bale as Gorr was so good too, probably my favouirte character in the film.

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