So now we have a PM who quotes from Disney movies. We’re so far through the looking glass we’re lost in wonderland 😳

(cartoon credit: Ian Baker)

9 17

"Operation Big Dog" as much of a disaster as everything else Boris Johnson does.
Bozo... Churchill never emailed all his plans to Hitler - you absolute bellend!

14 30

The 'like rats leave a sinking ship' thing is being overused.
It's more like little rats leaving a big rat.

10 12

It aint all over. But the fat lady's warming up his voice.

18 14

The proof is in the “bodies piled high” Sorry to be crass but what does it take to get rid of this self serving, incompetent, dangerous, liar?

1 2

Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it infamy!

118 242

Keep digging, that man! There's work to be done while the watchers watch [Telegraph; Friday 4/2/2022]

28 67

Levelling up... dunno what all the fuss is about.
I mean, you don't see mega-wealthy Tory donors complaining.

6 10

'Levelling Up'? - Bozo won't fix it.
"How's that then?"

4 6

Johnson's to divert attention with slur on backfired.

154 285

You think you have it tough.
Try body surfing Boris Johnson at all these Lockdown parties.

5 10

Shared from a WhatsApp discussion. Don't know the original source.

226 509

Boris Johnson faces Russia troops massing on Ukraine's border - finally amongst friends.

15 24

Highly amused that my 81yo almost entirely Tory voting mum is sending me anti-Johnson memes on WhatsApp every hour.

Here's her latest.

9 53