📢The Christian Cole Society is proud to announce that our theme for this upcoming term is...📢
Reinjecting Colour into Classics! 🎨🏛️🙌🏽

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Feeling a void now that is over? Here's something to look forward to! Our conference's keynote lecture by Dr. Emily Greenwood is on March 12 at 4:30pm EST. Register now at https://t.co/0eAH0WRVUS

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Io Saturnalia!

Yes, it's been a strange year, but and have been real sources of solace for me. So my thanks to you all and my best wishes for the season!

Image: 'The Romans in their Decadence', Thomas Couture - 1847 (Musée d'Orsay: 3451)

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In was the of the and He swept down from the of chilling the air with his icy breath. Beyond his home lay a land of eternal

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Dames (1934)🎬 Ray Enright and Busby Berkeley
⭐Dick Powell ⭐ Joan Blondell


A movie basically set up for Berkeley to have fun with. And he does! What's impressive to me about many of the films - even the ones done for fun were not lazy.

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I value Pompeii as a place that reveals how lived more than how they died. I'm always a little queasy about this.

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the amount of abs and pectorals in this scene is astounding

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