# pasiphae witch queen crete greekmythology gods punished bull socialpariah revenge fairytaletuesday keepingclassicsalive crius krios titan god heavenly constellations south gaia ouranous astraios pallas perses eurybia classics mythology classicstwitter tmm mm theia goddess shining light glimmers gold silver metals gems radiance titaness sight hyperion heavenlylight asteria stars fallingstars nighttime divinations oneiromancy astrology phoebe coeus hecate witchcraft cerberus dog hellhound guardian underworld souls hades echidna typhon heracles eris strife discord zeus hera nyx night roman discordia ego goldenapple trojanwar argus panoptes giant arestor peacock io cow nox darkness shadows powerful deity greekreligion feared family marriage women queenofthegods wife mother hephaestus ares eleithyia enyo inanna sumerian love sensuality fertility procreation war akkadian assyrian ishtar hittite sauska phoenician astarte greek aphrodite sun helios minos cursed minotaur circe scylla odysseus witches literature today capricornseason constellation amalthea goat rhea devoured kronos capricorns ambitious persistent realistic sensitive practical yule yuletide festival germanic december21st january1st scholars celebrations wildhunt odin pagan anglosaxon mōdraniht olympians beauty pleasure passion temper worshipped pantheon bia force anger energy styx kratos strength nike victory zelos zeal folklore lilith rebelled eden demoness hell sammel destruction destroyer ravager scottish celtic beira bheur personification winter celticmythology scottishmythology christmas snow norsemythology skaði jötunn ice wolves skiing bowhunting mountains norse viking scandinavian

2. was the of in who's husband offended the She was by being forced to mate with a and became a eventually she got https://t.co/lH65RnEkou

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In was the of and Sometimes a daughter of and other times of Her name was Armed with nothing but the of the gods and a she began the

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was a 100 eyed in He was the son of and was a servant of who transformed him into a upon his death when he was killed guarding concubine, who was in form.

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In was the of & She was the & the 6th of She was the & She was a vengeful goddess who punished many of Zeus' affairs

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was a daughter of the She married King and had many children. When he disrespected the she was unfairly by being to mate with a creating the

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In was the daughter of the She was responsible for the appearance of and for turning the men of into 🐖🐷. She is one of the most famous in

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In Jewish was Adam's first wife, created at the same time and from the same clay. She against him and so was cast out of where she became a and the of by the side of her husband,

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