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2019.4.17-21 Layers Return at CASO

1.Fate/Grand Order パールヴァティー
2.Fate/Grand Order
3.ドールズフロントライン NTW-20
4.ドールズフロントライン Gr MG4


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TURN SOUND ON! 🔊 Some of will be returning to later this year.

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The Donfire is done giving you a pass - Day 16 (Fire/Boss)

1 2

The Jacked-O'-Lantern eyes you menacingly - Day 15 (Fire/Mini Boss)

1 4

You engage the Kindlingggg!!! - Day 14 (Fire/Support)

1 1

The Candleschtick blocks the way - Day 13 (Fire/Tank)

1 2

The Pilot Light swoops in from above! - Day 12 (Fire/Ranged)

1 2

Goopy Mr. Candle wants a piece of the action - Day 11 (Fire/Grunt)

1 1

The Skorpishroom prepares its assault - Day 9 (Earth/Boss)

1 2

RADish laughs in your face - Day 8 (Earth/Mini-boss)

1 2

The Pet Rock is eager to help - Day 7 (Earth/Support)

1 2

Pouty Petunia refuses to budge - Day 6 (Earth/Tank)

1 4

The Briar Patch blocks your path! - Day 4 (Earth/Grunt)

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You startle the Nerdy Mimic - Day 2

1 4

You engage la hamburguesa - Day 1

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March has come and this time I made a guide.

March Monsters is a daily prompt; every week has a theme & daily type so by the end you'll have complete sets of monsters!

Feel free to set your own themes, it's your art! Share your creations with

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