beautiful picture ❤️❤️❤️
we like it !

3 6

The students who have been shoot by a gun on 11th Nov, he is now recovering and he want to have a bear cookies! Is this students really "rioters"?

71 80

World, HongKong Police is attacking students in an university. Please retweet this letter so it will reach someone who can help the HongKongers. 🙏

21 15

is shooting tear gas and rubber rounds inside the major university in Hong Kong- the Chinese University after they deal with the president of that university.

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These two events are happening at the same time.

667 623


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[20191111] entered the University, the Polytechnic University and the Chinese University. They occupied the campus, shoot tear gas & bean bag round & pepper-spray pellet to disperse the student inside the campus.

32 20

Hong Kong police drag around protester‘s unconscious body, who was being shot with real bullets, without providing any help at all.

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【11.10日 旺角警暴】#香港 防暴警察瘋狂推搡記者,近距離向記者臉上狂噴胡椒噴霧 ,記者們紛紛中招。#香港警察

频道订阅 👉

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10 Nov 2019 原來捉市民第一件事唔係帶委任證係要帶頭套👎👎👎

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9 Nov, Tuen Mun, While people are still in mourning the death of Mr Chow, shouting on the bridge

1st: You come and take revenge on us
2nd: let's battle one on one, you cockroach
3rd: We will pop the champagne and celebrate (Chow's death)

85 78

證據確鑿 鐵證如山。何時清算?

Several police officers beat people who have no resistance.

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