//=time() ?>
12港人被逼供 - Forced Confessions of HK 12: acrylic painting by Ricker Choi.
#12港人 #Save12HKYouth #釋放十二 #hkprotestart #CCPJudgmentDay #光復香港時代革命 #光復香港 #反送中 #hkprotest #FreeHongKong #hongkong #standwithhongkong
#香港加油 #五大訴求 #hongkong #反送中條例遊行
Sometimes you wonder if it’s the right thing to do. Some days you try to make yourself heard, other you ponder if it makes a difference at all. But as the #HKprotests mentality says - fight not because we see hope; as hope shows itself precisely when we persisted. #BringThemHome https://t.co/Gm75hPGokI
中大保衛戰 - Siege of Chinese University of Hong Kong! by Ricker Choi, 18"x24"
#rickerchoi #hkprotestart #CUHK #中大保衛戰
#中大二號橋戰役 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #中大 #CCPJudgmentDay #光復香港時代革命 #光復香港 #反送中 #FreeHongKong #hongkong #standwithhongkong
#香港加油 #五大訴求
‘If We Burn’, our documentary about #HKProtests, just won the Next Award @DMZDocs, where it screened as a work-in-progress.
831 - HK Police indiscriminately beats civilians. Acrylic painting by Ricker Choi #rickerchoi #831事件 #831太子恐襲 #毋忘831 #太子站 #香港人報仇 #無差別毆打市民 #香港人反抗 #CCPJudgmentDay #光復香港時代革命 #光復香港 #反送中 #hkprotest #FreeHongKong #hongkong #standwithhongkong
周庭 - 香港人嘅木蘭,我哋嘅驕傲! Agnes Chow - The Real Mulan! Acrylics painting by Ricker Choi, 12"x16" 周庭 Agnes Chow Ting
#agneschow #FreeAgnes #realmulan #真木蘭 #周庭 #FreeAgnesChow #hkprotestart #CCPJudgmentDay #光復香港時代革命 #反送中 #FreeHongKong #StandWithHongKong
18-24/6 去 #番茄師兄 食嘢
出示 #chickeeduck 即日購物單據 會有全單八折優惠
#童裝 #小朋友衫 #民主女神像 #hongkong #hkprotest #illustration #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #hkig #freehk #插畫 #香港插畫 #文宣
The same sky.
This day in history.
#8964truth #六四事件 #六四 #hk #HKProtests #HKers #天安門事件 #June4th #TiananmenSquareMassacre #Tiananmen #6431truth #Beijing #antielab #art #digitalart #hkart #drawing
母親節 快樂?
係香港 旺角一個商場入面 有手抱的小朋友 中椒
片段入面 小朋友受到胡椒球彈嘅刺激 以及黑警嘅槍聲嚇親 狂喊
仲未ready嘅 呢刻開始練體能啦。
#hkpolicebrutality #mothersday #hongkong #hkprotest #yellowillugulu #illustration
hong kong police have been too lenient, you can't say police brutality, can you?
#hkrioters #HKprotests #HKPoliceTerrorists #hkpolicebrutality #FreeHongKong #FightForFreedom
@xinwenxiaojie #CCP attempt to manipulate thoughts of next generation by eliminating teachers with opinion opposite to government. #HK is turning into #totalitarianism. #HKProtesters are thriving to #FightForFreedom. Please continue to #StandWithHK by tracking our news.
A Taiwanese cartoon artist claimed that his #HongKong girlfriend (who's also a cartoon artist) disappeared after being arrested by police during #HKProtests
Their love story: https://t.co/FuzQvS2iRT
About "the last love note": https://t.co/xTrT2foeYR
@revmahoney @hk_watch @FreedomHKG @Stand_with_HK @Fight4HongKong @hkdc_us @SolomonYue Thank you Rev. Mahoney for #StandWithHK & by our side, the arrest of LAU was another solid evidence for #CarrieLam suppressing #HKProtest & the evil action of #CCP
1600 Central
Intersection of Ice House Street and Dex Voeux Road
A man taken away by #HongKongPolice, who then deliberately obstruct reporters from filming (by pointing pepper spray at them).
@lukedepulford @UKinHongKong @DominicRaab We didn’t understand the intention of #HKPoliceTerrorists, such a peaceful female #HKProtester didn’t show any threatening at that moment
It was just another arbitrarily arrest that targeting & threatening youngster 😡
#HKPoliceTerrorism #HKPoliceState
@EnzoMazak Thanks EnzoMazak for reminding #HKers to have mobile “LennonWall” to continue promoting the beliefs of #HKProtests & the reasons for #Freedom fight 💪
"Do you hear the people sing?"
#myart #StandWithHongKong #HKProtesters
T-posing HK rubbish bin, pose to P R O T E C C against oppression.
You're welcome.
#HKProtesters #rubbishbin