Good afternyan! My today is 里, ri!

This is an archaic unit of distance as noted on the PNG, and is also used to refer to rural areas since cities are densely packed.

Fun fact, this is analogous to the archaic term league, 3 miles.


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Good afternyan! My for today is 原, meadow!

The etymology of this kanji is "spring water flowing out of a basin", which is really poetic. So I think this kanji grew from that meaning to refer to the plants which grow around it. ^_^


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ようこそ! My today is on 野, plains/rustic!

The first character in this kanji comes from 田, (rice) field, and 土, ground. So it follows that this kanji has something to do with fields/ground, and so it does. ^_^

にゃりがとう! みゃたあした!

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Good afternyan and welcome to my Today I'm featuring 谷, valley!

I love the symbolism of this kanji. To me, it looks like clouds above a mountain above a 'gap' which is the valley.

Thanks for stopping by! また明日!

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Happy noontime! My for today is 園, park!

One thing I found with this kanji is that the on-yomi reading エン(en) is far more common than the kun-yomi reading その(sono).

Thanks for stopping by! またにゃ!

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ようこそ! My today is on 国, country!

Heard of the game series "Ni no Kuni"? It uses this kanji. I also like the component breakdown - a jewel 玉 inside a border.

にゃりがと, みんや! またにゃ!

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こんいちにゃ and welcome to my Today I'm covering 地, earth!

Note that 土, ground, is in this kanji, and the relationship between ground and earth.

Other radicals convey the same idea of being part of a kanji.

にゃりがと, みんや! またにゃ!

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Good afternoon and welcome to my Today I'm featuring 場, place!

This kanji is pretty challenging for me, ngl. The bottom-right strokes are really tough to remember.

You can remember this kanji with 土 (ground) and 易 (place).


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Welcome to my Today I'm covering 外, outside!

This one is a bit tricky to remember; neither component is distinctive. But one of them is 夕, evening, so I remember it as "a person being outside in the evening".

にゃりがと, またにゃ!

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ようこそ! My for today is 内, inside, within, or among!

This kanij is literally a person 人peeking out of an building 冂.

If you want a really funny way to remember it, think of it as a person peeking out from a vent. XD

にゃりがと, またにゃ!

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Happy noontime, and ようこそ! My for today is 後, back or later!

Here's a compound I didn't have space to use: 前後, back and forth. So if you had a lamp swinging back and forth, you could say ランプが前後にやれていた.

にゃりがと, またにゃ,

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Whoops! I posted today's without the picture! My bad. Today features 前, front or before.

It's neat how kanji connect. 午前中 - 午 "noon", 前 "before", and 中 "inside" become "inside before-noon", "in the morning".

にゃりがとう, またにゃ!

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Good afternyan and welcome to my Today I'm covering 近 (far), the opposite of 遠.

Did you know that this kanji is partially based on an axe? So there's a way to remember it - you have to move close to use it.

またにゃ! Thanks for stopping by!

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Happy noon, and welcome to my Today I'm covering 遠, meaning far!

This is the first kanji in the sequence I'm using that incorporates the movement radical 辶. It's important, so please remember it!

I'll see you tomorrow, またにゃ!

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Sorry for the delay, and here's my for today! 西, west!

I used 西瓜 (watermelon) as an example, but it's usually written with kana only as すいか. So have a slice on me as thanks for stopping by! にゃりがとう!

I'll see you tomorrow, またあした!

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ようこそ! Today's is 東, east!

This is actually one of the kanji used in the famous Touhou (東方) series. ^_^

It also looks like the sun rising behind a tree, so it's easy for me to remember.


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Good afternyan! My next features 南, south!

This kanji now refers to the cardinal direction, but did you know that it originally meant a musical instrument? Probably a drum from the looks of it.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed. ^_^

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Welcome to my Today is the first of the four cardinal directions, 北, north!

One thing I noticed is that the 'direction' kanji are used in a lot of Japanese place names. 北 is part of 北海道 (Hokkaido) and 北岳 (Kitadake).

にゃりがとう! ^_^

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ようこそ! Today's is 方, direction; it can also mean way or method.

This is almost identical to 万 (10,000),just one additional stroke at the top. It amazes me sometimes how a small change can make a big difference.

Thanks for visiting!

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